

  • Yayyy me too!! This morning my Bmi also moved out of the yellow ;) I celebrated with chocolate.
  • It has never ever been accurate for me either - I'm now basing my calories on TDEE rather than MFP, so when I eat up to and over my goal MFP tells me I'm going to be max like 1lb smaller in 5 weeks. Even though I know I'm using a different system so the the projection isn't accurate anyway, there's still a little part of…
  • Yes it does!! I was stuck on week one for such a long time; I was disgusted with myself, 23 years old and unable to run for 60 seconds? Pah! I kept at it though and I eventually made it to 3 minutes. Once I had mastered three minutes I went straight to 30 minutes and now do a 30 minute jog most days (sometimes 40). It…
  • I run with my dog, but she is THE most well behaved little staffy in the world . . . . . . . . the problem is other dogs (well other people!) My pooch is in season and attracted the attention of a great dane this week, he chased us around the ENTIRE park, as we both upped our speed to get away from him. His owners watched…
  • Not saying we're not culpable but humans are so much more complicated that just free will ........... else we'd all will ourselves to be how we wanted wouldn't we? As for "trashing" a friend who isn't on the forum ; I'd say that's hardly a great crime against said friend. Think everyone ought to be a bit more…
  • Wow ...... I am all for taking personal responsibility and all, but as someone who has worked with addiction a lot I know it's not as simple as that - environment and the people in it are a huge factor in kicking a habit. It's a perfectly plausible idea that OP may have a friend who subconsciously tried to "sabotage" her,…
  • Me too :) I just saw someone do the same thing and was inspired - as much as I love accountability, I wanted a whole new fresh start!! I am 23, 5 ft 1, 145lb and my goal is 105 (but that's an out there goal, picked from thin air that may change) Feel free to add :) xx