

  • Congratulations!! I had the same moment last night with a friend. It's such a nice feeling.
  • Glad I'm not the only one noticing major energy differences after a short time on Keto. Problem is I'm not used to having so much energy so I find my self feeling at a loss as to what to do. lol
  • All the reading I have done on Keto indicates that it's usually between 50 and 20 grams of carbs a day. If you are just starting out, 10 is REALLY low. May want to increase your intake just a touch. And to reiterate what others have said.... mind your salt intake and make sure you are drinking enough water.
  • Thanks everyone! I'm finding support beyond my wildest dreams between here and my friends/family. If your new to this, the best advise I see repeated all the time...... One day at a time. If you mess up today, thats ok, it happens, its GOING to happen. Don't let that destroy you.