

  • It is quite possible that you aren't eating enough calories. This happened to me and I lost a lot of weight, only to gain half of it back even though I was working out more and eating less. Your body will hold on to fat if you don't feed it properly.
  • Initially if you are JUST starting out, bigger weight loss sometimes occurs due to water weight as typically the foods we eat are healthier and have less sodium and therefore our bodies release that. Just make sure you are eating enough calories and do not go below as this is when you will be in danger of pulling from…
  • Hi Anne, We are only about to lose 2 lbs. of body fat per week. Any weight loss on the scale above that will be coming from water and muscle. This is not what you want to do. When you body loses weight from muscle, your metabolism decreases and therefore burn less calories per day. You will also not be able to eat as much…