When you're going in reverse...

In short, I lost about 35 lbs 4-5 years ago, went to nursing school & maintained my loss but couldn't lose any more. Last year, a year after graduating, job hunting, working 3 jobs, and finally finding one full time job, I started at it again. I was on depo so I had researched and knew it would be difficult on that and that I could gain. I managed to lose about 17 lbs from April to June and was at the lowest I've been, a week after I hit that, the weight just kept coming back on, despite my best efforts. I didn't change my eating habits, I was still working out, just couldn't fight it. I managed to gain and lose the same 5 lbs, then 10 crept on, and I did the same thing. In January of this year the most wonderful relationship I've ever had ended abruptly, a week after that I started a new job which I ended up loathing, and the stress hit me hard. I stopped working out (likely due to the depression I was in) but wasn't eating much (again, the stress) but the weight kept piling on and I gained all of the 17 back plus 10. I didn't get my depo in February hoping that that was somehow to blame for the weight gain, but, alas that hasn't helped, so far. Now, no matter what I do, eat well & workout, I will lose 4 lbs only to gain 8 in a matter of days. It's a never ending battle to get the weight to just stay off for a week. I'm caught in this vicious cycle of not seeing results so not caring anymore. I can't seem to convince myself to just stick it out. Any advice, tips, thoughts, kind or harsh words, good reality check, slap upside the head,etc?


  • justaloozer
    justaloozer Posts: 122 Member
    Do you track your sodium?
  • emccand
    emccand Posts: 195 Member
    I feel like I am stuck in reverse sometimes too. Sorry to hear about your relationship ending and that you hate your job, that cannot make it any easier. I think you should try to find a new job that you like, or if you cant right now find a hobby you really enjoy that you can do to get your mind off things. Also have you been tested for thyroid at all? I know its a stretch but one of my friends was doing the lose, then gain, lose then gain thing and had hers tested and thats what it was. Hang in there!
  • glennstoudt
    glennstoudt Posts: 403 Member
    Forget the history. It doesn't matter.
    Today is the first day of the rest of your life.
    What are your goals now relative to fitness and nutrition?
    Weight is just one byproduct of all that, just one measure.
  • cpalaura
    cpalaura Posts: 3
    It is quite possible that you aren't eating enough calories. This happened to me and I lost a lot of weight, only to gain half of it back even though I was working out more and eating less. Your body will hold on to fat if you don't feed it properly.