100% Stud!! Go on with yo bad self
No clue
OP, If your wanting to gain 20 more pounds while leaning out, it takes more attention to your diet. However, if you looking to get to 240 then lean out, it would be faster. Once you reach your required weight, start to slowly cut your calories back and make sure you give your body at least the minimum proteins to maintain…
@sunn_lighter , it isn't the kids sadly enough. Slowly growing apart :( . A ton of things really! Trying to make it work but never seems to come together. Usually I would say its both ends but that's not the case. I can only fix me so much :). I think I am the only guy that can go for months and remain faithful.
Are you looking to lean out?
If I depended on the sex in my marriage to burn calories I would be wayyyyy over weight. been married for 13 years. the first 2 I might had been fit but not currently lol.
She said she liked "Trains"
She tasted funny, like clown ;) lol
Don't be intimidated. I'm probably shyer than you :)
Whats up bro
@Ashley__916 :)
If you don't have a gym or weights then the " wall down to floor" would be a great place to start for anyone. Also, while trying on the floor, push for as long you can until you fall. Repeat this a few times. You could also build up the negative part of a pushup by going down as slow as possible for maybe 6-8 sets.
Ive been where you're at and its 100% possible with hard work. Im here if you need anything!
The problem in my house is the wife. lol. I can control what foods my children consume but not the wife. She makes it hard to teach my kids how to stay healthy and eat healthy. I keep almost all junk out of my home but she constantly brings home oreos, ice cream, ect ect and doesn't control who or how much they eat of it.…
No, I couldn't even scream because it was so painful. As I pulled to loosen the weight it only got tighter. I eventually freed myself. finished my workout once I stopped hurting. Didn't realize how bad it cut me until I was in the locker room getting changed for work.
WTG bud. I agree with you 100%. Keep it up!
Only a handful of people know this. I got my stuff caught in the chains on a dip belt with 90lbs of weight on it at the time. It cut me wide open. So, don't go to the gym and do weighted dips with mesh shorts on. It can be a pain n the ballz lmao.
I'm here to help anyone willing to put in the work. I always like having friends to motivate
nope nope nope
lol, deff a huge weakness
As long as she doesn't tickle me
>10 ;)
dunno, she looks tough