yemalyrouge Member


  • No! Do not pay. The free service allows you to do all of that! You compete with the people on your friends list. Just click the challenge and invite people to do it with you!
  • HI :-) my name is Amye. i am not new to the MFP app... lol but i am new to the website, never posted on here my first time round in 2005. i also weigh in almost daily... i cant help it! (at least 3-4 times a week) i am following 1200-1400 calories a day. feel free to add me! :-)
  • you do not 'have" too. but when you exercise your MR goes up so you may want to toss a high protein or healthy snack in after your workout. i usually treat myself to a yogurt and a water or nuts and green tea. it helps feed your muscles so you do not tire out after the workout. i work it into my allotted daily allowance so…