

  • Hi everyone. This is an interesting topic to me also. There are lots of helpful posts here - thanks everyone. I am bipolar type 1, mixed state, rapid cycling. I take my meds - Sodium valproate, cymbalta and edronax (this one helped me lose about 5 kg, then stalled). Sometimes I need to have a week of zyprexa if I am too…
  • I write about some bipolar topics in my blog. If they are of interest to you, you are welcome to subscribe.
    in bipolar? Comment by eviegirl1 June 2011
  • I have been unwell for over a month, and just struggling along. I get used to the chaos (ie really disorganised at home) and avoidance (going out or staying in bed, or shopping, binge eating). It all becomes part of normal life to me. Then my sister said- hey have you told your doctor about this? Then I realised that I…
    in bipolar? Comment by eviegirl1 June 2011
  • I was married 14 years and am now single (4 years). I have come to realise that the ideal partner I dream of is a fantasy. As I would like to be with a suitable partner one day, I am prepared to consider potential partners to see how I get on with them, even if they don't match the ideal I have in my head. Getting a…
  • yes I have bipolar. happy to be friends with other MFP members who have bipolar in their lives. I am mid 40's, living in Western Australia. Mother of two.
  • :smile: Hi everyone. I have just re-read all the previous posts on this thread. There is alot being said! A key context for me is understanding that each person has their unique experience of bipolar. No one person has all the answers or knowledge. Each person has their own care plan that is relevant to their case.…
    in bipolar? Comment by eviegirl1 May 2011
  • I want to add someMFP friends who like me have a diagnosis of bipolar, and are actively trying to manage it for a a better lifestyle. This includes strategies for medications (if you are on them) and behaviours. Please contact me by a message or add friends request. I am in Western Australia.
    in bipolar? Comment by eviegirl1 May 2011
  • when I go low, well regrettably I sleep alot. I put myself back to bed after the kids go to school. I know its not helpful or healthy. Sometimes its just that I have 2 great kids depending on me that I am able to muster the energy to do what I need to do. I have read alot about bipolar. From this I finally worked out a few…
    in bipolar? Comment by eviegirl1 May 2011
  • congratulations on getting near your goal weight. You look gorgeous in both the before and after photos.