

  • Good luck - having the little guys makes it hard. It was hard for me when my kids were little but I found a Jazzercise class that had babysitting and was only $10 per session, including babysitting. I did that once a week and it kept me sane. Walks in the afternoon were also something I craved - I had a double stroller and…
  • We had a handle bar baby /' toddler seat for our bike when my kids were of that age. We were in the Netherlands at that time and they were sort of standard "mom" equipment there. I LOVED that seat and so did my kids. It was so much fun. Sometimes my kids would fall asleep in that seat so they would slump over and I would…
  • I have been borrowing exercise videos / DVDs from the Library. I have it for only two weeks but it makes for a nice change. Our library has the 30 day shred and Jackie Warner workout videos. I can reserve online and then after a week or two they are waiting for me. :)
  • I am a biker and love it but I'm not into it for spandex and bike shoes. I have a Dutch sit up straight bike with permanent panniers and it is very comfortable. We were living in The Netherlands and I bought it there and brought it back to the states. It has 27 speeds and shocks so it works well on hills, something that…
    in Biking Comment by fietsdebbie May 2010
  • I bet that made you and your doctor happy! I'm sure they enjoy success stories as do their patients! :)
  • Hello - I personally don't have gluten issues but I have a friend who does. As a result, she has become an amazing baker of gluten free items. She posts many of her recipes on her blog: She has many coffee cakes, and other baked items there using her specially created blend of gluten free…
  • I second the comment of the cooking light web site which is also partnered with: I have made lots of stuff from this web site and like how they have the nutritional information on all recipes. There is also "how to" notes on other portions of the web site that can help you with general…
  • I also am looking for ideas. Week-ends are usually fairly scattered in our house with kid activities, husband's band / music rehearsing, and just social life that usually includes lots of yummy temptations. I do OK when we plan to go skiing or a day hike but this spring has been very busy with kid music obligations, kid…
  • Sorry Dinos - I had a bad week-end of partying / eating and as a result some weight gain but as of this morning May 7th, I am happily back down to 180 lbs! Phew!
  • Thanks for the excellent information. I think most people who are on the weight loss journey need to be educated. Most people have many "ideas" but are lacking the basic knowledge of what it takes to loose weight. Knowledge from professionals like you are so important to demystify all the media hype that we see everyday.…
  • Having the little guys makes it challenging. Exercise TV for some variety. There is lots of stuff on there including some strength training. Since you have little ones doing a 10 minute or so routine a couple times a day might work. Do the double stroller and some walks / jogging.
  • You will walk and walk and walk and walk while being a tourist in Europe. Portion sizes at restaurants in Europe are much more reasonable so that should help you too. Buy or bring a water bottle and keep it full. Europeans are not really into tap water but you can always bring your own. Rent a bike some place if you are…
  • Ditto on the slope of un-skied snow... Hiking in the wilderness on a beautiful sunny day. Going to the wild Washington coast for a week-end of beach, hikes, and great company with good friends.
  • I really like this site because it keeps me honest. Keeping track of my calories / exercise has really helped me keep focused. I may not be on the fast track of weight loss but the slow and steady is what I'm desiring and that is what is happening. I like the very full database of foods but what I'd like to see is more…
  • Biking is so much fun! Glad you are enjoying it. When you go out for a ride, how long does it take to go 20 miles? Many hills? I ride a sit up straight Dutch bike which is more for going to the grocery store but I like it, and if I push it, I will be drenched with sweat too. Burn those calories!
  • Wow! This is just fabulous. Thank you for sharing you plan from the past and the future. It helps to keep me inspired!
  • has lots and lots of routines to follow for strength, cardio, general fitness, yoga. I download them on my computer - the free ones which are plentiful. They can get you started and give you some variety.
  • It's a new week and Easter is past, along with kids' spring break. My calf muscle is much better but not jogging or pushing it yet. I'm back walking the kids to / from school along with taking the dog out for +/- 25 minute walks. I've begun doing one or two 10 minute Exercise TV routines and have found some different…
  • Excellent response Adzak. We all need to remember that we need to do what is best for ourselves and plan our activities and eating accordingly. Thank you!
  • Awesome! I love reading about success stories. I plan to be one hopefully in the summer time!
  • You guys sound similar to me, yet I'm 41, pushing 42! I'd be happy to be part of a support group too. I'm just looking to be a reduced weight by the time school is out this summer for my kids. I've had a set back with a calf muscle tear this past week so it'll be a month before I'm really back at exercising full on, but…
  • Thanks for the ideas folks. I've done a sitting upperbody weight lifting routine yesterday. I might try some abdominal work on the floor today and some of the punch / arm raise stuff either today or tomorrow. The swimming idea is excellent too but I might save that to do in a week or two when the calf muscle is better. My…
  • Great job and a great story to inspire us all. Making small goals and attaining them little by little is so important. Thanks for sharing! :)
  • Woo Hoo! It's great that you are loosing inches. Thanks for sharing your fitness routine you use at the gym too so we can all learn more. I've lost a half inch around my waist and hips in two weeks. I'll measure again next week.
  • Congratulations! It is so great to be successful in your goals!
  • They have it at Fred Meyer in the bulk foods section.
  • I've lost 1 lb this week and am now at 183.6. Skiing on Sunday was a pleasure!
  • I am down to 183.6 so a 1 lb loss this week. Skiing on Sunday brought me down! Woo Hoo!
  • That's just excellent to hear. We are all making our bodies healthier along with making ourselves and doctors happy. The drug companies maybe be sad though... :) Great work!
  • Congratulations! I am in the same situation - I lost 2.4 pounds this week, my first week with this web site. Having actual calorie numbers in front of me along with offsetting the exercise has been a huge motivation for me. I am excited too!