JoAnn17 Member


  • I am! After not having been on a bike in decades, I started spinning classes in January 2011, then needed a fitness goal, so I registered for Ride the Rideau 2011. I trained during the spring and summer and found cycling an incredible workout, it was instrumental in helping me lose 45lbs (along with MFP!). I've already…
  • Get in some extra workouts and "bank" some calories so you can enjoy your evening. You have to enjoy life's moments...and the strippers!
  • Maybe it's just me (i.e.:very me-centric), but your family is free to eat as much junk food outside the home as they'd like. To help you reach your goals and to help you be health, they should suck it up.
  • Papadums. They're about 30 calories each, take about 60 seconds in the microwave and they satisfy my crunchy/salty/savoury cravings.
    in Snack ideas Comment by JoAnn17 July 2011