when I go home, all my good intentions fly out the window!

lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
Hello, my FFF buddies (Fellow fat fighters!). hehehe, if you thought something else, it just proves you have a dirty mind :tongue: Here is my problem. I am having a really hard time with going crazy with food when I get home. During the day at work I am fine. I log all my food and I eat a well balanced breakfast and lunch. I even have yummy healthy snacks (love nutella!). But when I get home *BOOM* ... I dig into EVERYTHING! now,this would not usually be a problem because I really did not have junk in the house. Except my hubby and kids had an "intervention" and told me that we needed to have some junk in the house. Now I am eating it too! again! even though it makes me feel sick afterwards. it may just be stress, but it is happening even after I go to the gym. Instead of taking the time to make a proper meal, I just eat whatever is available. Any advice you guys have would be greatly appreciated.


  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    I started doing this exact same thing. It's killing my diet. I don't know what's wrong with me :(
  • It's most likely cause you're really hungry. i do the same, on my way home i eat an apple or banana then i get home relax and food doesn't even cross my mind till dinner so i can cook! give it a try! it helps!
  • homeport51
    homeport51 Posts: 198 Member
    Plan your food for the day before you go to work. Have everything you need on hand to make a healthy meal. Have a snack after work... an apple works good for me. Takes some time to eat, crunchy, sweet and fills me up until dinner.

    If all else fails, enlist the aid of your family. Tell them you need a month of junk free household to get you started. Even if you aren't overweight, no one NEEDS junk food. Ask for their help and support. If they need junk food, have hubby take them out for ice cream or something after dinner.

    You CAN do this!!!!!
  • smrtcar
    smrtcar Posts: 104 Member
    If i know I'm going to have treats (ie: booze), I make sure I get some exercise in. I eat junk when I'm bored so 1. prepare some activities that you can do to keep you busy, and 2. have some YOU only snacks. Have your family keep you honest to yourself too. They should play a role in your healthy lifestyle.
  • twistyBee
    twistyBee Posts: 56 Member
    Have some junkfood in the house for your husband and kids, but have some "healthy junkfood" in the house for you. Try Special K cracker chips, they will certainly fill your craving for chips. If you have a sweet tooth, I have found Pillsbury makes these mini brownies at 150 calories per brownie. I also liek to keep fresh melon in the house. I will ball it and put it in tupperware containers so it is easy to grab and munch on while everyone else has their own snacks. If you just can't avoid eating the junkfood, heck no one is perfect and we all have days when we want what we want...just try to keep the portions in check. Everything in moderation has been the key for me. Hope this helps!
  • tramaine81
    tramaine81 Posts: 113 Member
    This used to happen to me...
    There could be several issues:
    1) even though you are eating a well balanced meal throughout the day, it isn't enough or it is processed (frozen meals, sugar snacks, refined breads), which causes your body to react as if you are starving...because technically..you are.
    2) You may be reacting from stress (taking shower when you get home may help destress)
    3) You may hate your job and use food as a cathartic element
    4) You may feel overstressed at home and use food to sedate the feeling of being overwhelmed
    5) You don't have ready to eat healthy snacks available before you get home (almonds, apple)
    6) You may be eating too much sugar which elevates your appetite
    7) You may be eating dinner too late
    8) Your dinner may not be well balanced. (processed foods)

    The thing to remember is.....your body is overeating because it is hungry. Satisfy your body and you will not have cravings.

    Post what you typically eat on a work day so we can help you more.

    Other tips:
    1) tell your family they can have junk food...but they must buy it and keep in their own room. Tell your husband his junk food must be in a special place, too (like a locked cabinet somewhere in his man-cave). NO JUNK IN THE KITCHEN. If you go hunting for their food...well, that's on you. In addition, I like the idea of healthy junk food. Start buying snacks like baked lay's potato chips, banana chips, edemame, fruits, and trail mixes. Hopefully, instead of spending their own money, your family will decide that they would rather eat free food.
    2) Do exercises that help to eliminate stress and control appetite, such as walking, yoga, or pilates. A lot of strenuous exercise elevates the appetite causing extreme hunger.

    Good luck! Thank you for sharing:)
  • manderann
    manderann Posts: 189
    I would try to keep the junk out of the house. It's not really good for anyone, including your husband and kids. Not all treats are complete junk, though... Try frozen yogurt instead of ice cream, make/buy a low fat dip for fruits or veggies or experiment with tweaking dessert recipes to make them healthier. Try to find healthier versions of treats your family likes, such as baked chips. If you can't do without completely, make sure you're watching your portion sizes. I've found that when I come home from the store, if you put the cookies, chips, etc. into pre-portioned snack size bags, it's a heck of a lot easier to watch how much you're eating. Just don't grab a second bag! Hope that helps =)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Well, I'm sure you don't want to hear this but I believe you should put your foot down to the kids and your husband because you (and your husband) are responsible for teaching your children good eating habits. That doesn't mean you should never have a treat, but if there is so much junk food in the house that you can pig out on a regular basis, then there is too much junk food in the house. I know a lot of people say "I have to have junk food because I have kids" but IMO that's just a cop out reason to have junk food in the house. You are the parent. If you don't want junk food in the house then there shouldn't be any.
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    This used to happen to me...
    There could be several issues:
    1) even though you are eating a well balanced meal throughout the day, it isn't enough or it is processed (frozen meals, sugar snacks, refined breads), which causes your body to react as if you are starving...because technically..you are.
    2) You may be reacting from stress (taking shower when you get home may help destress)
    3) You may hate your job and use food as a cathartic element
    4) You may feel overstressed at home and use food to sedate the feeling of being overwhelmed
    5) You don't have ready to eat healthy snacks available before you get home (almonds, apple)
    6) You may be eating too much sugar which elevates your appetite
    7) You may be eating dinner too late
    8) Your dinner may not be well balanced. (processed foods)

    The thing to remember is.....your body is overeating because it is hungry. Satisfy your body and you will not have cravings.

    Post what you typically eat on a work day so we can help you more.

    Other tips:
    1) tell your family they can have junk food...but they must buy it and keep in their own room. Tell your husband his junk food must be in a special place, too (like a locked cabinet somewhere in his man-cave). NO JUNK IN THE KITCHEN. If you go hunting for their food...well, that's on you. In addition, I like the idea of healthy junk food. Start buying snacks like baked lay's potato chips, banana chips, edemame, fruits, and trail mixes. Hopefully, instead of spending their own money, your family will decide that they would rather eat free food.
    2) Do exercises that help to eliminate stress and control appetite, such as walking, yoga, or pilates. A lot of strenuous exercise elevates the appetite causing extreme hunger.

    Good luck! Thank you for sharing:)

    Typical day for me is this:

    1/3 cup oat bran
    1 tbsp sugar

    red pepper

    whole wheat bread w/ tbsp pb and tbsp nutella
    piece of fruit

    something carby (like fiber one cereal) or a small piece of whatever junk is in office

    banana a half hour before gym

    I try to avoid a lot of processed foods and HFCS when I can. I also try to eat as vegetarian as possible (personal choice), but while I do eat tofu and tvp, I will occassionally eat a small amount of baked chicken or turkey and cheese.

    Then when I get home, disaster strikes!
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    I love a lot of these suggestions. I think I am going to incorporate more into it. I do the elliptical alot and maybe it is increasing my appetite. Keep those suggestions coming! thank you :)
  • happyhah
    happyhah Posts: 14
    I have the same problem.. especially at night.
    Keep more convenient options around the house.
    And keep better versions of junk food around the house...
    I bought a single serving blender and it has been great in helping make low cal treats for myself.
    I keep healthy choice meals that are under 300 calories in the freezer.
    Viola frozen skillet meals freezer (takes 7- 9 mins to prepare in a skillet or microwave ~ they have Sweet & Sour chicken!=)
    I keep Chocolate fudge Slimfast shakes in the fridge. Mixed in a blender with ice, they fight off my desire for ice cream.
    Buy fresh fruit and freeze it... I put them in the blender with diet 7-up or juice and blend... good sweet treat. You can add yogurt too but that will add another 100 calories.
    Silk Coconut Milk is just sweet enough to fight off the sweet tooth and so are cocoa roasted almonds from Diamond.
    And of course i LOVE Quakes (Quaker) carmel corn mini rice snacks!
    Strawberries with just a tad of cool whip.
    If you have a Keurig coffee maker then get brew up some Cafe Escapes Chai lattee, or Dark Hot chocolate, or simlar for 50 calories.
    100 calorie boxes of cereal...frosted mini wheats, fruit loops, or apple jacks are good. Not the best thing for you but if you are desperate for sweets it helps.
    Don't deprive yourself, just get creative... becaue if you are anything lie me once you start craving something you can't stop until you have it. My weakness this summer is wanting to swing by the place 4 doors down for a Braum's lowfat chocolate soft serve frozen yogurt in a waffle cone....ugh. The slimfast & ice has helped me alot with that. =)
  • JoAnn17
    JoAnn17 Posts: 4 Member
    Maybe it's just me (i.e.:very me-centric), but your family is free to eat as much junk food outside the home as they'd like. To help you reach your goals and to help you be health, they should suck it up.
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    I ended up discussing it with my husband. We agreed that when they are craving it he will buy it, but I also agreed to keep healthy junk in the house for them. Besides fruit and veggies with dip, like chocolate animal crackers, popsicles, water ice, and fudge pops. I think it will work out better this way. Junk that we all like and will still eat, but a lot healthier than what we were buying. Plus, if they are craving something really junky he can pick it up on the way home.
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