This is the fun times when I get to call people losers! Isn't it fun being one? Congratulations on your progress and thank you for your kind words on mine, it does mean a lot, and it does feel a lot better to be living life in a healthier manner. Good work, keep it up, and keep smiling :D
Eat less :) Start slowly, but eat less. It saves money, and time. Personally, shreds like insanity and p90x...I don't like. Don't get me wrong, they work if you're into the whole boot camp thing, but once you stop that, you'll gain the weight back really fast if you're not careful....and stuff like insanity and p90x -…
I've lost over 140lbs and i do have some loose skin, but only in the ab / tummy region. A lot of my friends think I'll need surgery...but I do not want to go down that route. I am assuming (and hoping) with enough consistency and by being patient that it will elasticize itself out :)
Thanks Dad :) That's awesome <3 And, Jack, you are correct. What works for 1 person won't always work for everyone. Eating below the BMR is just an extra cushion. People normally don't take into consideration the 15-20% margin for error in packaged foods, the net weight. People also shouldn't add exercise burned from…
141, no surgery, just eating right, weight lifting and some cardio...not even that much, I actually maybe only run for 15-20 minutes a week at most, and have went 2 years without running at all. Pictures can be seen on my blog!
Thanks everyone for the kind words. It was hard at first. It took me 6 years but not 6 years of continuously losing weight. There's SO MUCH WRONG INFORMATION out there, and it's really hard to decipher what exactly is true and what is fake. People often do not want to admit that losing weight = eating less, no matter how…