me me!!! let's be friends. losing weight is so freaking hard, but I know I can do it. I cycle weight anywhere from 5 to 60 pounds. I have a bit of a binge eating problem as well, and the only thing that works for me is strictly staying at 1200 cals a day and working out only way to lose weight for me…
stay. hair is my thing.
My blood work came back, and I told the boyfriend the number, and he said...nonchalantly.."oh yeah that's prediabetic, that's what my numbers were last year." (He's since lost 30 pounds and lowered his glucose) It just hit me like a ton of bricks. I don't know why. The last three days I've cut sugar and carbs and processed…
5'7 and 1/2 weight: 211 Bust-42 waist-38 yikes hips-42 apple shaped with metabolic syndrome and pre diabetic. the measurements reflect that pretty well.
dedicated..and obviously ripped.
1. finding ways to afford new clothes 2. avoiding weird comments from weird co-workers 3. the feeling of being "in between"...not quite lost the weight...still working on it...
An aussie!
Absolutely incredible. Enjoy your new life and your new body! Beautiful job!
I've been doing Points Plus for about a 9 months and have lost 35 pounds! I quit for a bit and put 10 back on...but I'm signing back up tonight. It's all about the meetings. You just have to make yourself go...because without them I would probably eat whatever the hell I wanted. Add me!
cool style
cute baby!
I totally agree. Every pound I've lost is a direct consequence of conquering my own cravings and my own free will. Going to bed hungry is a psychological tool. I don't think it helps physically lose more weight....but it does keep me in control.
First one ever!
Hey guys! I'm on Week 5 of a Bridge to 10K program....I'm kinda stuck right now and can't get past this week. Hopefully posting here will add some incentive.
Whoa you've got some energy! Your spirit is grateful! Enjoy your day
That's really lovely. Congratulations on your hard work
Yeah what'd you do?
21 and lips!
What a PF Chang's Jack in the Box!
Worst part about losing weight is when you stop losing weight.
1. I was once a crisis hotline counselor. 2. I recently learned what green jackfruit is 3. I crack my cell phone screen on a regular basis 4. I'm a runner but I'm still in the "obese" BMI category. 5. my elbows are double jointed. THE END
Thanks for all the great responses! I'm excited to start my journey here. So how have you all been successful? Any tips or tricks for me?
wonderful! your stomach is hot! good job
I just joined, and this is definitely encouraging. love it.