Name: Brenda Age: 35 Location: Stratford, Ontario Job title: Business Development Manager Marital status: Common law/Married Due date: May 2nd, 2012 Number of children: this is our first Planned or surprise pregnancy: A little of both Pregnancy symptoms so far: a LOT of nausea & fatigue, headaches
Phew! I finally made it over to the November thread.
I've not been around much and missed your scare. I'm glad to hear that everything is healing and that it looks like the baby will be ok. Take care of yourself!
Woo! under 200 days (technically)! :happy:
Congratulations! She's beautiful and I'm glad that you finally got to bring your little girl home. A friend of mine and her son struggled with breast feeding. Like you, she was getting extremely frustrated and upset which in turn upset her son. To make things worse, she felt guilty for her frustration until finally, she…
The appointment went amazingly! One of our midwives (they work in teams apparently) is hilarious! We get to meet the other at our next appointment. She took some blood (yuck) and did the detailed medical history. Because of diabetes and such in my family, she wants me to do an early 2 hr glucose test and gave me the…
Our announcements this weekend were amazing! Everyone is so happy for us and it was great to finally be able to talk freely about it! Our parents are thrilled :) Tomorrow is our big appointment with the midwife. I'm excited and really hope to hear or see our baby.
Yay! :)
It seems like the question "Do you have kids" is popping up randomly in conversations with people that don't know me well lately. It's a weird question. I always want to say "sort of" lol kcurtis - I think we're just going to make it the thing we're grateful for...assuming we can make it to dinner without announcing. It's…
My miscarriage was natural. I can't say for sure how long it was between the pregnancy ending and the actual miscarriage because the first sign of miscarriage for me was the passing of some greyish tissue a couple days before I started bleeding. I didn't cramp much until the bleeding started. I bled for just over a week…
Congrats to Caperfae on your new baby girl and also to Julia on the BFP! It's a good week for the ladies of this thread. We've got 10 weeks under our belt already and do have an appointment now. It's next Thursday. Lots of stuff coming up for me pregnancy wise, my first appointment, our big announcement this weekend and…
Kcurtis - You know your body best. If you truly feel that you can do it and you're committed to keeping it reasonable then I imagine you'll be fine
I have to admit. I'm a little jealous of those of you who found out a bit earlier and are having appointments. We're waiting on ours. We'll be speaking to our midwife tomorrow so I'm hoping that we'll have the exact appointment date. We're announcing next weekend when we go home for Thankgiving (Canadian) so we'd really…
Congratulations Julz!
Hi Pinkprincess! I'm in my first trimester and am struggling with sickness and lack of energy too so I haven't been nearly as active as I used to be either. What someone here reminded me is that my body is working hard right now and to listen to it. If you're feeling better now, don't sweat the past, just put together some…
I was worried about whether or not I would struggle with reducing my caffeine intake but luckily I just don't enjoy caffeinated beverages right now. I'm grateful for that! Good job reducing yours! What I'm struggling with is that I'm so tired and feel so sick all of the time that I no interest in physical activity. I've…
I think I want to increase my fiber to keep things...ahem...moving. I'm finding that I've been less regular in the last couple weeks. I have a box of All Bran that I add to my yogourt, maybe I'll start having a bowl for breakfast.
I thought that I would join in. I don't intend on trying to lose weight while pregnant, however I do intend on staying healthy though and I definitely don't want to put on more weight than what my body and baby needs. I've been struggling with 'morning' sickness and have found the small snacks do help, also anything with…
Yum..I love Reubens...mostly because I love sauerkraut. We'll have to try this soon. What do you usually serve as a side with this?
Wow! Congrats!
Mine is on my ankle right on the bone. It hurt something fierce!
I think I might try this soon. Thanks!
Oops...just realized that I accidentally mis-spelled spinach. Sorry.
Keeping this for later
Sounds delicious
I made hubby and I LOVED it!
I know what I'm having for dinner tonight!
The mixture is DELICIOUS! Makes me think of a Mcdonalds hamburger. I didn't have enough biscuit dough to close them up though. Next time I'll make a batch of bisquick instead of using refridgerated dough. As far as taste goes's a hit! Thanks for the recipe :)