

  • I was also trying to lose a little weight like you and didn't want to slow my progress with cheat days but after awhile i felt like i really needed them. So i had my own kind of 'Cheating days',i did not go over my calories but i didn't stick to macros or healthy eating on that day. That gave me the opportunity to swap…
  • Thank you so much everyone! I will try all your suggestions. Quick question,during this phase of only doing body weight or light weight can i workout everyday without rest days in between?
  • That is what i'm doing. I definitely work hard,lifting the heaviest i can and focus on the glutes every other day but no growth in size. How many months does it take to see a change? Would eating more help?
  • I'm quite a noob so others might know more,my personal experience:When i started i did all over body workouts. As i progressed to heavier weight and more intense workouts i found that the full body workouts didn't give me a chance to really focus and give it my all. I was also still sore the next workout so it was…
  • Thank you for explaining,it's still very confusing but starting to make sense. I really don't think it is the diet,i'm very strict. I have not cheated once,i weigh,count etc. Not seeing results is getting very frustrating. I thought it would take me about 8-10 weeks(calculating the deficit+workouts it really should be 1lb…
  • (Correction: i only have to lose 5 pounds now) From the answers here i guess it's true-everyone is different. I will not get my next injection and see if there is a difference. Thing is its another month and then it could take up to six months for your body to get back to normal,not very optimistic:( @ell_23 From what i…