@mattyc772014 8
@shauna2626 lovely Shauna will always be a 10 :)
@brendandunn can't really tell, so I'll say 7 for now.
I like your glasses, good choice. They definitely compliment your face.
ice cream sandwich
Sure, he's trudged through mud before so I think he's ready for some adventures on an island.
@shrinkingletters current, love the hair it suits you.
nevermind I get it, the tags confused me. Anyway....@blackscorpio91 you like shameless selfies too :)
WHAT IS GOING ON? lol did I miss something?
@in_it_to_thin_it current, beautiful!
- idea. John Turturro?
arms are dead from a rough session
@madmags current
friendly face
@shamonaaa strong
@tracyb_73 #2, gorg.
@ashley1215 you don't really look like anyone, which isn't a bad thing. But maybe Ariel Winter (Alex on Modern Family) a little bit
@stephaniejsharp since we commented on the same one I don't want you to be left out =) #2 - gorg!
@pechepanda #6, that panda hood is too cute!
@kittyd7015 looks like she knows how to have a good time and get a ride when it's needed lol
@muldactus #8, I dig the hat
New motivating & positive friends are always welcome :)
Megan Boone (Elizabeth Keene on Blacklist)
Irish & Puerto Rican
@siport 26
@fabulousfantasticfifty You're just fantastic all around, all the time.
@winston817 8
what kind of movie rating is a 6.8? lol