ChapLynne Member


  • I took three short walks, because I am dealing with severe pain. But I was able to manage the movement of walking without falling. :) that is a good day. ChapLynne
  • Gracious God, You are the source of our salvation. Many times we might feel we are alone, lost and without resources. We struggle with the challenges in our lives. Pour out your blessing on Petpa Smeltzer2 and Istarrb. You know their needs and hopes and dreams. Fulfill their hearts' desires and grant them your love and…
  • Welcome semperanticus1643! We're so glad you have joined us. Please feel free to post a little about yourself. Don't hesitate to ask if you need any prayer requests. Blessings, ChapLynne
  • Almighty God, We thank you that your Word is sweet like honey. As we strive to accomplish our goals in health and fitness, we ask for your blessings especially on Davestade7, browns1908 and JustAWho. May you grant them balance in their lives. Watch over all we do that we may honor and please you. In Jesus name, Amen
  • Almighty God, We give you thanks and praise for all the miracles that the Psalmist told us about. Help us to put away our complaining and instead trust and obey. We want to bring you honor and glory. Bless us all with your love and grace. Especially pour out your blessing on walkbyfaith0314 LoveLifeAt52 and JoyfulTeach…
  • Gracious God, You have given us evidence throughout history how you have supplied the needs of those who put their trust in you. We pray that you will help us to remember those stories when we face our doubts like the Psalmist did...but then he came around to trusting you. Pour out your blessing on Paulaj1887 Suzysweetpea…