jenny3008 Member


  • Thanks all for the advice. I will try some of those exercises at home I just need to get some lighter weight dumbells. The 5kg I have here are too heavy for my weakling wrists. I will work on my grip strength as well
  • Its great isn't it. I'm not even allowed to do yoga or pilates apparently it will aggravate things. Good job I get bored of them easily. I have arthritis in most of my joints now thanks to it but the most frustrating part is that the bones of my feet don't stay in place so I have to be conscious of my movement almost every…
  • Thanks for that are wrist curls like bicep curls but using your wrists. Just to clear things up all of my joints are hyper mobile its a different thing from flexibility. The ligaments which should hold my joints together and in the correct position are too loose which leads to the joints not sitting where they should…
  • I have hypermobility in my joints, it means that the ligaments and tendons etc which should hold them in place are too stretchy for want of a simple explanation. It means I have lots of problems maintaining my body in normal alignment. I don't think I have a set of joints that haven't separated or twisted or somehow not…
  • I just got one too and was about to post asking the same thing.
  • mine won't sync but I thought it was down to the iphone Health app messing everything up. Maybe I misjudged the poor app
  • I just started with pull-ups. Yesterday was my second session on them. Today I'm good with my arms bent and by my side.... no need to move them at all Today was deadlifts on already tight hamstrings. I may just not move at all tomorrow :), I do however have to get through circuits first
  • UK based here Generally quite good at logging but had a couple of bad weeks travelling and eating too much. Need to lose another 15kg or so
  • I'm in a soup phase just now. Can have a big bowl of home made vegetable soup for very few calories. Then chicken and veg or something like that. Fills me right up I give myself 1500 calories a day and don't eat back my exercise calories mainly because I haven't found a reliable way of measuring them and it just seems like…
  • I think it depends what you are looking for in a unit. I like mine, its simple to use, doesn't look too bad so I can wear it all the time and works well most of the time. I have a forerunner 305 for when I am cycling or fell walking but it doesn't work well in the gym due to the GPS It does have its faults, there are often…
  • Have you set your height, weight and resting heart rate in the vivofit? I have one and it seems to make a difference. It works out your calories for the day as your BMR and then gives you extra calories if you burn more than that. So say for example your BMR is 1800 calories and you burn your 1000 calories at your zumba…
  • Do you sweat at other times, say when you are just hot and not exercising. I used to have real problems with this when I started exercising properly, I didn't really sweat just got a bit clammy and got hotter and hotter and hotter. Often having to stop as I was overheating so much I'm fitter now and don't seem to have this…
  • I go for the shashlick as I find the onions and peppers give a bit of moistness that is sometimes missing from the chicken tikka Other than that the healthier options are the tomato based ones. I use the term healthier loosely given that the gravy is made with ghee in all of them but at least there tends to be no cream…
  • Evening from the NW UK I started because I was sneaking into a size 18 (sshhh don't tell anyone) and I was introduced to a PT that was just starting out. I got a deal on sessions and started with the intention of training 1 hr a week. Well that didn't work out and now I train 5-6 times a week. As I got stronger, not…
  • Thanks all I'm drinking plenty and I weigh all my foods, I'm a little obsessed truth be told but the scales and measure tape are moving in the right direction so its working even if ever so slowly. I think my body just wanted/needed the extra to burn off the cold and my mind wanted all the comfort foods because I'm a wimp…
  • I've never tried them doubt you can even get them in the UK but muscle pain.... oh I'm feeling that one. 3rd work out this week, apparently we are stepping up the pace again and I think there may be a muscle somewhere in my nose that doesn't hurt The only thing I find that helps is, keeping moving ( need to follow my own…
  • I still ate three solid meals and snacks it was on the lower end of my normal calories as it was soup for lunch and fish and veg for dinner. I'm not one for starving myself hence its taken nearly 3 years to lose 12kg :blush: Maybe I'm just in a greedy mood today but I've managed to stay within 50 calories or something of…
  • Yes I think it probably is I'm not to fussed by the 'gain' I've learnt over the last couple of years that as long as the trend is in the right direction not to worry too much. But everyone likes to see the number drop by a 'reasonable' number when they are working hard :smiley:
  • I weigh daily, its taken me a long time not to get too wound up by the numbers though but I've found that I fluctuate a lot. For example yesterday I weighed 78.9kg, I did a gym session which I'm paying for in DOMs today and this morning I weigh 80.4kg. Now I ate very little yesterday as I'm not feeling great so there is no…
  • I travel a fair amount for business as well and it helped me on my way to a 3 stone weight gain over the last few years. Now before I get jumped on I fully realise its the choices I made while travelling not the travelling. Here is what I do to try and curb the effects of my ridiculous appetite. 1) Try and have a healthy…
  • Everyday, my weight fluctuates too much with water retention and if I had a 'heavy' day on my weigh in I would be down hearted. If I weigh and record every day I can see the trend.
  • I'm not a runner either, never have been even as a child but its something I want to be able to do. I want to be able to run a 5k or even hopefully a 10k When I went out by myself I wouldn't manage any distance at all, probably 1/4mile before I was huffing and puffing. But I've signed up for a 10k obstacle course so I need…
  • It is likely you are suffering from what they call DOMS, I think that stands for Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. I get it all the time if I do a new work out or heavier weights or basically anything my muscles are not used to doing. It hurts like anything but honestly the best way to make it go faster is to keep moving,…
  • I worked out that its about 1350 calories if you take the maximum amount 'allowed'. I'm not sure what your height is so I don't know how much of a deficit that would be for you. Did you trainer say how long you were supposed to follow the plan for? Had you suggested that you wanted to lose weight more quickly? I was given…
  • when you go round the lake is the ground uneven or is it as flat as the pavement, or I guess that's a sidewalk to you guys. It could be that your foot is moving differently inside the shoe on the different ground which causes friction in a different (new) area. I have huge problems with my feet blistering, apparently is…
  • Have you considered the 'barefoot' shoes? I personally have not tried them but I'm thinking about it due to problems I have with my feet, my partner uses them for fell running and swears by them but they do take a bit of getting used to.
  • I suffered from a similar thing a few years ago except I wasn't really exercising so I couldn't blame it on calories or electrolytes. It was pretty bad for a while, I blacked out or got dizzy when I stood up, or when I was in the shower and the water was too hot. It turns out it was a viral infection and alongside my…
  • Apparently I can eat as much as I like from 'Natures Garden' and I won't get fat in fact I will lose weight. I'm not sure how extensive this garden of nature is but if the individual was eating meat and fish as well as peanut butter so its fairly extensive So I can quit the gym, stop the calorie counting and just be…
  • Have you tried some of the recipe books for the likes of the 5:2 fasting diet. They have lots of low calorie but filling recipes in them. Although it doesn't look like you are allowed much protein apart from that provided by the meal replacement drinks. I hope you find a solution to the problem 1000 calories is tough to…