jenny3008 Member


  • people who can't use 'their', 'there', 'they're' properly along with 'to', 'too', 'lose' and 'loose' and all such similar words... drives me insane Oh and also people who eat with their mouth full people who talk over the top of you people who don't do their job properly so you have to pick it up and do it on top of your…
  • Thanks for that. I do have to defend my PT though, he is really very good and the weight/%age fat changes just do not do justice to how much more physically strong I am. I have a hypermobility condition which means that none of my bones hold together the way they should. When I started this journey I was at the osteopath…
  • Thanks coachmike I shall read those articles. My measurements have dropped considerably in the last year although I've not taken them in a couple of months. I'm trying to wean myself off constant weighing/measuring and basically getting upset that the weight isn't going down as I want it to. So with this 'fresh' new…
  • Thanks Cortelli We mix it up a fair bit. Sometimes it's high rep low weights, I need to do this as I have hypermobility in my joints and I need the low weights high reps not only for endurance but to train the ligaments and tendons. These sessions normally have a cardio aspect in them. Other sessions are medium weights and…
  • Cortelli I guess I just hoped that my TDEE would be closer to the website figure. Sucks a bit to be maintaining on my calorie intake of 1850 given the amount of exercise I do. I don't really want to cut back any, the daily figure is actually 1500 each day but a few high days push up the average. I can just about remain…
  • The figures were from yesterday just before I posted
  • Thanks for the reply I'm 5 ft 6 and 81.5kg I weigh everything apart from things like pepper. I actually avoid using oils and such because I can't be bothered weighing and measuring them I only eat food that I've not prepared myself a couple of times a month, I travel a lot but haven't been in hotels since before xmas. I…
  • How do you work out your lean body mass? I have electronic scales that measure body fat but they lie. I know this because I can't possibly have lost 10kg in weight, physically be much stronger, actually be able to see muscle definition where there was podge before and have gained 2% body fat. I don't want to be precious…
  • My PT has never yelled at me, encouraged me loudly in a stern but friendly voice when I'm reaching my limits and want to quit because its hard but never yelled at me. He is also worth every penny I pay him and probably more, he has much more faith in my abilities than me and pushes me to new levels all the time.
  • I've been lifting for about 1.5 years. Its slow going due to issues I have with my joints and back but I'm getting there. PB's Deadlift 100kg (1RM) Strict Shoulder Press 22kg (1RM) Push Shoulder Press 29kg (1RM) Back Squat 55kg (1RM) Front Squat 30kg (5 x 5) just started doing these still working on technique I love…
  • When my partner brings home snacks I put them in a cupboard that I can barely reach... neither can he but heyho. Its a cupboard I don't open and I'm good at pretending its not there. I live very close to the university campus there are convenience stores everywhere but I have gone so long without snacking I'm good at…
  • I work from home too, I can't say I have too many problems snacking and I find the flexibility means I can work out with my PT most days. When I say I don't have many problems snacking that is because there is nothing snackworthy to eat in the house apart from fruit.... I don't tend to have a stop button when I start.
  • Hi Mich I'm fairly sure I am ok with the muscle retention, or at least I spend enough time resistance training to try and ensure that I don't lose muscle. I'm making a lot of progress in terms of my abilities in the gym so I don't believe that I am losing muscle. As far as water goes, I would quite happily lose some of…
  • Hi Mitch16 Yes my PT has a rather expensive set of calipers and does know how to do it. I could ask him to take the measurements again...... just have to work up to preparing myself for the lecture on how I'm focussing too much on numbers over progress :D I don't really measure on a lot of scales as a matter of course its…
  • Thanks Slasher09 I guess the real reason it is bothering me is that I decided to use that trend as an indication of my increasing health. I'm spent a lot of time trying not to get too hung up on the weight figure on the scale as I'm much more interested in having a body in good physical shape with toning and definition…
  • Hi Rabbitjb My main concern is that the number is not coming down. I'm not concerned about the absolute number as I understand it is inaccurate but the trend is practically flat even over a 180 day period within what I believe to be the margin of error on such a scale (1-2% decrease is all I'm showing). My PT has one of…
  • From Scotland but living in Lancashire England now. Feel free to add me :D
  • Hi Karen Its not so much the numbers but there is no decrease at all. The trend is flat. I'm an everyday weigher so it fluctuates from 40% to 43% which is where it started. I just thought that with a 10kg loss there would have been some sort of reduction in it that would be obvious.
  • No-one except you sees the number on the scale. Nobody knows what it is. Everyone can see inch loss. Not that I'm saying you should do this for anyone else you have to do it for yourself all I'm trying to say is that the number on the scales is less important than the inch and body fat loss I hope this comes across the way…
  • Hanging Practice this morning. Doing an obstacle course and ridiculously scared off heights so my PT's objective was to show me that I can hang by my own weight and give me more confidence in my grip..... race is the 31st so not a huge amount can be done about my cardio now. Tonight will be circuits. Cardio and weights…
  • I felt the same way and to a certain extent still do when I run but no-one will be paying attention to you. And on the off chance they do ........well then when you lose the weight, are trim, slim, healthy and fit then they will be laughing on the other side of their face. Keep going, enjoy it and good luck with getting…
  • Hi I'm from Lancashire Been on here a couple of years, I'm pretty good about logging through the week but a bit variable at weekends. My weightloss is slow but I am down 10kg and I've changed body shape which is much more important. Having a bit of a new year slump, its cold and wet outside and my fitness has really been…
  • I used to work for Anne Summers and as embarrassing as it is I used to use left over lubrication gel ( similar to KY Jelly) from my demo kit. It worked a treat, is hypo-allergenic and doesn't dry out on the skin over time. It got a bit embarrassing though so now so I just use a bit of water or sweat. I find I have to keep…
  • I use chalk and don't grip the kettle ball too tightly... allow it to move a little in my palm. Means I don't get blisters but over the last couple of years I have developed a set of incredibly attractive calluses under my fingers :(
  • I'm 37, about 180lbs and work out 5-7 times a week with a PT. I try to stay at about the 1500 calories a day and not eat back my exercise calories but that is mainly to give me some slack at the weekend when I like a drink. I have no idea how much I'm losing every week, I suffer incredibly badly from water retention. One…
  • Mine is great and worth every single penny I pay him. I've been working with him for 2.5 years and my physical condition well its like a different body. Granted I haven't lost tonnes and tonnes of weight but that is my fault, as they say you can't out exercise a bad diet. But physically I'm so much stronger than I ever…
  • Good luck.... I'm very glad mine is over for the day. Front squats in the morning tomorrow then apparently he has a 'special treat' for us at circuits tomorrow night. I have found that my idea of a treat and my PT's idea of a treat vary by about a galaxy
  • Yopeeps and cardbucfan Thanks. When your in a flunk its reassuring to know its not just you it happens to.... even if it feels that way at the time :) I am dreading the DOMS.... I did work out but evidently not enough based on todays performance so they are going to be an absolute killer :(
  • Can I suggest that you take your measurements as well. Especially if you are going to start lifting. I weigh myself everyday... I'm a bit obsessed and what I have found is that I retain a lot of water at any excuse. My largest overnight gain is 4kg which is about 9lb. No way I ate that much in one night. I find that…