txukc Member


  • Hi ma'am! I have PCOS and I used to live in Kent (back in Texas now) - sending you a request now. PCOS is the absolute worst and makes you fully out of control at times so I know how much support makes a difference.
  • Looking to talk to fellow PCOS people, too! I recently moved home from living abroad and being healthy and am wondering if my terrible new eating habits is what kicked it off. Am hoping that getting back in shape will help. TMI but worth sharing - I started taking ACV and took chaste berry for 2 weeks and it kicked off my…
  • Originally from Texas, but have been in East Kent for the past 2 years. Looking to add a few people as well, as a bit more support would be very much appreciated!
  • Whilst I may not have the exact things to say that may help, I think one of the best motivators is not always others, but yourself. Yes, it is cliched and typical, but when you can see what a special person you are, and that those unique qualities are worth treasuring and protecting (by working in your health), it will…
  • Austinite here (Texas) ! Living in kent currently :)
  • Im looking for some people to add as well. Living in Kent currently, originally from Texas. Just finished my masters degree and am waiting ages for my spouse visa to come back to start work. So now I'm just twiddling my thumbs and trying to lose that freshman 15-20 I put on 8 years ago! Feel free to add away!
  • School in Canterbury, living in Whitstable!
  • find good quality carob chips to snack on. They are usually found in bulk sections at grocery stores. I don't remember the exact caloric value, but you can eat tons and the calories are still quite low. Not the exact same taste, but as close as you're gonna get without sacrificing good habits
  • Those from Kent: Does anyone know of any running groups ? Everyone: Good places to buy affordable work out clothing? I'm from Texas, so my money is not worth as much in the UK :( So If i need more winter work out clothes (which I know I will) where is a good place to go?
  • I'll be there, (Canterbury/Whitstable) come September! I'm just getting started on the community board portion too, so it would be helpful to have new friends added! I'll for sure need help with familiarizing myself with healthy products, as the only ones I know by heart are thing's like Hob Nobs :)