

  • I am also a former smoker and I tend to get winded during exercise. When I was working out with a trainer several years ago, she told me to time my breathing with my steps, like swimmers do with their stokes; breathe in for two steps, out for two. I dunno why, but it really really helped increase my stamina. And I do in…
  • What an awesome way to begin your life change. Nice job!
  • Mine is my mother! She moved in with me last year and is very social. She is always going out to dinner with friends and trying to get me to go or bringing food back home for me after I ask her not to. She always wants to cook unhealthy food for me (she is very into southern cooking), even after I have eaten my weighed and…
  • I find that if I drink a ton of water at one time until my stomach feels really really full, like I don't even want to think about putting any more in it, I can resist sweets. Don't know if that's the best thing to do but it's worked for me (most of the time). Then the cookies just look gross.
  • My favorite is a cup of greek yogurt, couple of strawberries, half a cup of blueberries, maybe 1/3 of a banana or half a cup of pineapple, and some ice. Flax seeds are good too,and I even throw in a cup or so of spinach if its starting to get old. It makes a gross color, but you don't even taste it. I eat this as breakfast…
  • Welcome! This is not only a great site for tracking, but also a great site for support and advice. Good luck with your goal!
  • Woo hoo!! Go you! Lookin' good!
  • Go you for having a great attitude, and I am glad you are feeling better! I think everyone has things that happen, injuries, getting sick, stressful times, etc. when we lose focus or aren't able to keep up with a healthy lifestyle. But I keep telling myself, everyday is a new day and a new chance to do well. Your…
  • For my lunches, I make a lot of food on the weekend or at the beginning of the week and then take it for lunches throughout the week, or I take leftover dinner from the previous night. As far a portion control, get a kitchen scale and measuring cups. It seems like kind of a pain but it's really easy and makes me feel…
  • A lot of my friends like the Crossfit Workout of the Day ( They utilize full body and multiple muscle movements rather than isolation. I am loving the Nerd Fitness website also ( Has lots of great advice, for all levels.
  • Also loving the 10 lbs 10 times!
  • The 100 lb mark scares me too! I think it just seems so overwhelming, and I think my commitment won't last the whole year (the max time I have set to lose it). Maybe setting smaller short term goals along with the long term 100lb goal will make it seem less daunting. But it is possible and you CAN do it! There are lots of…
  • I want to know about this too. I was told buy one doctor to take a multivatimin everyday, but then I also heard it can cause weight gain and rise in blood pressure (which happened to me after I began taking them, so I stopped). Plus there are so many different suppliments to take, I get a bit overwhelmed. IMO, I liked the…