

  • Going to try the frozen banana slices. I have done the peanut butter trick as well when low carbing, I should have done that smh, much more satisfying than the crazy baklava overkill. I also used to make fat bombs when low carbing - with 85% dark chocolate around coconut oil. They were very satisfying but I fear even…
  • That's interesting about the tetris, definitely worth a try. I am drinking non-caffeinated, zero cal teas all day long and this is a fruit abundant household, they won't curb it for me. Dark chocolate does work I but did not have any last night - but with almonds, that's a new one, that sounds satisfying! Thanks everyone.
  • Those links are really helpful 1princesswarrior, thanks. I think I will reset and see where it goes! I always thought I ate a lot of protein until I started tracking as well and boom, I actually almost never meet my protein goals. I guess it is a learning process. Going to go crunch some numbers again. Thanks all, really.
  • It's interesting that so many people say to aim for higher calories but all the calculators tell me anyway to set for 1200. Probably due to my age (45) and gender. Pre-menopausal slowdown. I don't think 1,500 calories a day would make much difference, food is not really the problem, I have the wine calories. ho hum anyway…
  • I am just as bad, been on over a month and have been an appalling failure. Wine is my biggest weakness and boy is it a big one, once I fall off on that I am likely to indulge in food naughtiness too. Shocking. On the positive side, I have been hitting the gym pretty regularly but it is not enough to counter the bad stuff.…