

  • I agree with some of the previos posts...This should be a lifestyle change for you and in the early days of the change we are still learning how to eat...I like to eat mostly healthy foods and I like to stay under or right at my calories...I do however have some days where I will go over my cals but not too far over... I…
  • I can honestly say that I've learned portion control inorder not to hike up those calories and that just because it all comes in one package it doesn't mean that its all one serving....
  • I weigh myself once a week on the same scale and I aim for as soon as I get up (with nothing to eat yet) because thats when its most accurate. I find it to be most helpful for me...I'm taking my journey week by week!
  • Hi! I'm New Here and I must say that this site is SUPER EASY!! I never tried to track what I ate because I assumed it would be difficult but...I actually look forward to tracking what I eat so I know.. I'm really getting into this! =)