smw91 Member


  • I commend you on having the courage to try on a bikini. That proves you have alot of inner strength.
  • The excitement of being able to post a loss has come and gone. Trying to loose weight each week has just added more stress and makes me feel like I have failed. The date goal date keeps getting closer and my goal weight is farther than ever of being reality. I just have not been able to loose this weight. I would be happy…
  • I am turning 40 in March that is my set goal date, the best present to myself would be to loose the 20- 40 lbs that I have been trying to get rid of for some time now. Time to really get serious about this because I'm coming down to the wire and I know I will be really disappointed with myself if I weigh the same as I do…
  • I won't be Fabulously 40 until March, but that is my set goal date to loose these extra 20 - 35 lbs. If you don't mind me joining this group, count me in.