vpenning Member


  • Just remember that just like every other part of our body, cells die as we get older...and, so do beta cells. Remember to check periodically to see if you still are having the same results. Yes, normal folks can go up as high as 160, but they do not STAY up...they reach that point BRIEFLY...so, at the two hour mark, it is…
  • So glad that you are getting your numbers in control, and taking control of your life. Being a diabetic, and doing the day in day out things you have to do in order to make those numbers look good is not easy. I know. Congrats on having good positive results. One thing I will make a note of that I have learned...when you…
  • Sometimes, it takes being a little scared in order to make the changes you need to get the best health you can. I would try and see if there are avenues for you to see a doctor. As around...I would talk with doctors offices and hospitals for suggestions. I am sure you are not the only person in the area that has ever had…
  • It is true. You may already have some at time of diagnosis. I had neuropathy in my feet at time of diagnosis, and I had a friend that had it in the stomach and just thought she had heartburn. You should have a thorough exam to be sure you do not already have it, and don't forget to have a dilated eye exam to be sure you do…
  • Whenever I have had binges, I too have numbers that are bad the mornings after, It sometimes takes a couple of days, It kind of depends on how bad I was, and how much fat I ate, Fat has shown in studies at the Pennington labs to increase insulin resistance, so I figure when I binged, I increase my insulin…
  • When I was diagnosed I met a man who had had diabetes for over 50 years, He was in his late 90s. He died in a car accident, At the time of death, he was without diabetic complications. I am friends with several diabetics that have good health, and are active with no complications. They have been diabetics for over thirty…
  • I have lost a considerable amount of weight, Got off my diabetes medications as well as other medications...but, you give me a regular Coke and a piece of pie, and I will be shooting numbers over the moon. Diabetes is caused by a malfunctioning pancreass, Beta cells no longer exists, You cannot replace them, they are gone,…