

  • A great late night snack is half a whole wheat english muffin with a tbls of peanut butter and topped with fresh pair slices sprinkled with a little cinnamon. It's sweet, filling and has about 175 calories.
  • Welcome Kelly! I have been a member on here for about a week and I like it so far. Congrats on the four pound weight loss. I am sending you a friend request. ~Heather
  • I have also tried counting calories in the past, but it was too time consuming to sit there with the nutritional guide and a stack of calorie counting books trying to figure it all out. I ended up just not eating because it was easier to keep track of calorie intake that way. This resulted in years of weight problems and…
  • Hello Lovekinds, This is my second day on this site and I like it so far, better than facebook in my opinion. I have a goal of losing 20 pounds. I like having the calorie counter and fitness tracker. I have been much more conscious of my food choices today and I see it in my calorie count. We should be friends.
    in New here Comment by heatherelle May 2011