sarah_a_t Member


  • OK, have added my afternoon snack into my lunch today. Will see if I feel any better.
  • Interesting. I guess my issue is that I have been feeling really full after meals (greek yoghurt for breakfast and a veg-heavy pasta salad for lunch are very filling), so I have been reluctant to eat bigger meals. Is the consensus that not snacking is better for controlling blood-sugar then?
  • This is exactly it! When I gain, I am not unaware that I am eating too many calories, or even unaware that I am putting on weight. I just need to find the right mental space that let's me eat bread-y snacks in moderation, which I manage pretty well with everything else. I think you have hit at the heart of the matter here.…
  • Hi everher. I find that cutting them out entirely leads to binges. I will try your idea of scheduling them as a once a week treat to prevent that. It would still be difficult to limit myself, but at a certain point I guess I have to just suck it up and stop snacking.
  • I would define eating normally as eating three regular meals and maybe a snack or two each day. Food mostly prepared from scratch using unprocessed ingredients, including lots of vegetables. Eating when I am hungry, not out of boredom/stress/social obligation. Not needing to log everything I eat for the rest of my life.…
  • Thanks Tahxirex. I find it really important to keep unhealthy foods out of the house. That alone made so much difference to my life. I could probably stand to add jam for my toast to my list of things I don't keep in the house (bread is kind of a staple though). But almost all of this snacking happens outside the house.…
  • Thanks squatsanddead, but I'm not looking for ways to make running more fun, or make further gains. I play plenty of other sports which I like a whole lot more, and actually don't have much time left for running. I just want to keep up the bare minimum in order to remain physical capable of running 5K. Personally, I run…