

  • Someone asked what oats to use; I personally really like Quaker Oats: the ones that come in that huge canister. Good deal, and so versatile! (You can even use these to make oat flour!)
  • I love overnight oats! Mix 1/3 cup oats, 1/3 cup yogurt (low fat, no fat, normal, plain, vanilla, whatever you like!), 1/3 cup milk (regular, soy, I use almond, whatever), 1 tsp cinnamon (this has been linked to revving your metabolism, but it just tastes good and good for Autumn!), 1 tsp vanilla extract, 1 tbsp chia seeds…
  • Also, if you have a Trader Joe's by you, they have good almond butter at a decent price.
  • Hmm, have you tried Fage? I love it. I like to mix it with oats and almond milk and make overnight oats to have for breakfasts. Also, I make little frittata muffins to have throughout the week - they include whole eggs, additional egg whites, and greek yogurt for a good protein punch. Also you could add chicken or turkey…
  • It's okay - we all go though challenging times. Everything's temporary - you'll get through this. My advice would be to preplan meals that are healthy, that way there's no excuse not to eat healthy. Also, I've been working on being more mindful when I eat - notice each bite of food and chew it properly. This helps you…
    in Spiral Comment by ealbrow September 2014
  • Seems like you're doing a lot to help your body already! I try to have bigger meals at breakfast and lunch, and a smaller dinner, with maybe 2 snacks between throughout the day. Unlimited veggies throughout the day - I like to pre-pack bags of veggies so I can just grab and go. I also try to not have bread or pasta after 3…
  • It's okay - what a great reason to set new goals! Also it's the perfect time of year - right before the holidays. I try to eat as little processed food as possible. Maybe a power bar here or there, and some hummus or spreads from the store, but generally, eat food that you make yourself. I also try to make Sundays my "meal…
  • I put my scale on the top shelf of my closet where it's hard to reach. That way, I won't want to go through all the trouble getting it down. That being said, I once heard that the best time to weigh yourself is Wednesday morning - that's when your weight at it's average. So, if you do feel the need to weigh yourself, I'd…