
I have found myself rather ill with a sinus/ear infection for approximately the past 10 days. It got really intense more recently, and I haven't exercised for the past 3 days. My usual workout calorie burn is 700-800. I hate not exercising, but my body just really needed this time to heal - I'm hoping to get back to it tomorrow, but we'll see how it goes.

I am an avid calorie counter, usually sticking to 1300-1400 per day and have more recently tried to keep within my macros, as well. However, this past week, I would say since last Sunday, my calorie count on 5 of those days has been completely out of control. I went through a rather traumatic weekend last weekend (completely separate from the whole sick thing) and wonder if I have just been eating my feelings - not something that is the norm for me. The problem is, that yesterday and today, when I said to myself "oh my god, get it TOGETHER" I can't seem to stop this behavior. I mean, like 2500-3000 calories per day. Just totally mindless.

I usually fast from 10:00pm until 5:30pm, which is way easier to do while at work since I am completely occupied. But, being home 1.5 days this past week sick plus the weekend, I feel totally out of control and I absolutely hate it. I feel like I am in some sort of trance or something (I realize that sounds a bit nutty) and I am petrified of getting into this cycle and am not sure what to do to stop it in its tracks.



  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Soi for 2 days you have eaten 1500 calories extra? So 3000 calories? Yesterday and today?
    Or 7 days 1500 calories?= 10500 calories

    So you are talking about from 1-3lb v whatever weight loss you might normally have had due to the deficit?

    The point is get it in perspective, its no that big a deal and you cna just deal with it when you come out of the spiral.

    How to get out of the spiral?
    Do not beat up on yourself, Just deal with it.
    Just need to refocus and keep logging everything. Are you logging the binge? That might provide a mental barrier as you see the extra overeating you are doing.

    Of you cnat come down from 3000 back to normal then reduce it by 500 a day so you get back to normal. Just take responsibility that you overate a bit, nothing to get too excited about, really. If you wnat to do a bit of extra cardio each week for the next month.
  • Curlylocks7242
    No, I would say of the past 7 days I ate 3 days at 2000 calories, 3 days at 2500-3000 calories, and one day at 1500. Before this, I had about 4 days at 1200 calories. And, of the past 7days, I've worked out burning 700 calories for 4 of them. Maybe 1 day at an 800 calories burn.

  • CariJean64
    CariJean64 Posts: 297 Member
    Once you're back to work, I think you'll easily get back into your previous pattern. This last week will become just a blip on your radar screen.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    And in all that, you probably lost 5 pounds. Relax, get well then get back to it.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    The point is it doesnt add up to enough to spend time worrying about.
  • ealbrow
    It's okay - we all go though challenging times. Everything's temporary - you'll get through this. My advice would be to preplan meals that are healthy, that way there's no excuse not to eat healthy. Also, I've been working on being more mindful when I eat - notice each bite of food and chew it properly. This helps you truly enjoy food (so important!) and not overeat. Additionally, I wouldn't recommend fasting for longer than 3 hours - ever. Have at least some fruit, veggies and nuts or nut butter, something with protein - that'll keep you from overeating later. That being said, every body is different, and what works for one person won't work for the next. Listen to your body. If you need to eat, then eat. If you need to move, then move. Once you get back into your normal routine and back into the swing of things, it'll all even out. A few days won't ruin long term hard work. Best of luck. Remember, you've got this!
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    No, I would say of the past 7 days I ate 3 days at 2000 calories, 3 days at 2500-3000 calories, and one day at 1500. Before this, I had about 4 days at 1200 calories. And, of the past 7days, I've worked out burning 700 calories for 4 of them. Maybe 1 day at an 800 calories burn.


    So you normally have 1400 calories a day= 14000x7= 9800
    You have eaten 3x2000 =6000 3x2750 =8250 1x1500,then 4 days at an even bigger deficit 4x200=800
    =6000+8250+1500= 15750

    Less calories you were planning to eat= 9800
    Less calories you underate 4 days previously = 4x200
    Less exercise calories 4x700 1x800= 3500

    Which leaves you with a net balance of 1650 calories, which is about a pizza or a largeish takeaway. If 1lb= 3500 calories to burn then less than half a pound is causing you to worry , get stressed out.

    Can you see how A you have nothing to worry about and B it amounts to less than half a pound?

    Ooops if I got the figures wrong, but cnat get worked up about overeating a pizza. Its also too late for you to do anything now . Give yourself a break and stop fretting over such small amounts.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Regret is useless and unproductive. Just stop that. You cannot uneat the calories, so there is no point in obsessing about them.

    A lot of people eat more when they have sinus or ear infections. The chewing helps their head and your body requires extra calories to fight infection, so it might've been asking for more.

    If you really feel that your eating is out of your control sometimes, talk to a therapist about it. Get to the bottom of why you do at and how to stop it.

    Buy yourself a bunch of fruit and veggies and eat those if you need to drown your sorrows by eating. :)

    Good luck!
  • Curlylocks7242
    Thanks you guys - seriously - just reading your replies has helped a ton!! :-)