enusker Member


  • I heard that the 2nd month is where the magic happens.
  • I ate 1500 calories on p90x. That was last year at this time. I fell off the fitness track and after gaining back almost 10lbs, I am back in it. I also have a condition called PCOS which affects my blood sugars. Although I am not a diabetic, the treatment is a diabetic med. I was told that after I lost some weight I…
  • I know it said to eat more, but I lost 30lbs doing p90x and wanted to push myself to lose the last 20. It doesn't make sense to eat more to lose, but what I was doing obviously wasn't working.g.
  • I am on day 24 of insanity. I am 5'6 and 156. The scale hasn't nudged! I am eating 1200 calories a day, but after reading this I am upping my calorie un-take and seeing what happens!
  • Can you go into katosis/ stay in katosis if you go slightly over your carb count during induction? Say like less than 25 carbs but more than 20 carbs?
  • I'm down for a forum, too! I almost cried and gave up yesterday, it was so hard. But today is my third day on induction, and I feel loads better. All of my meals have felt very satisfying! O bought the bars and ate one before I realized it was for phase 2 and higher. Bad move cause those things are good. They are leaving…
  • I started atkins induction and am on my third day. I had a horrible day yesterday. I was starving! I have yet to stay under 20 g of carbs which is frustrating. I felt better this morning though. I really want to lose my last 28 lbs at a faster rate than my last 25 lbs have. I am a carbaholic! Any tips? Sam, have how has…