Hello there! Yeah I can't remember how I came across this website - probably a random Google search lead me here. I need to lose the weight now, I'm sick of my stomach and thighs :( I think that it is great you're doing it for your daughter and as a family. Thank you :) good luck to you too ! & I have accepted it ;) x
Portsmouth, England. :)
YAY for geeky girls :D Another one to join the group ;) I'm new and a huge geek n_n I love technology, video games, books, learning. Everything. :P I study BTEC Creative Media where I want to do writing, graphic design or both ;) I love reading books and manga, I love drawing manga too so I'd love to create a manga series…
Welcome Jennifer. I'm new too - registered just a mere half hour or so ago! Good luck to you :)
I'm new but I'll give it a go! :D I weigh around 230 at the moment. Here's to losing 10 pounds (or more!) in May! :D Good luck all!
koshkacat: Morning? Where are you from? Its 16:50 here :P I try to 'forget' there's a piece of cake or a chocolate bar there but my mind doesn't listen! D: I've got to fight it though, if I don't do anything now I never will :( and been told so many times by so many people that its harder to lose weight the older you get.…