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Hello to all! :)

Hello everyone. My name is Emma and I'm 19 years old. I'm new and I'm hoping this will work for me. n_n
All my life I have been over weight and its about time I changed that. I once got down to 10 stone and a size 10-12. That was a year ago and within this past 12 months I have put on nearly 7 stone :( I'm so disappointed in myself and the shock has motivated me to do something about it. I'm just hoping that I actually do something about it instead of telling myself to do it but actually do nothing.

Is anyone else in the same boat as me? I've always wanted to lose weight to be slimmer and prettier but its got to the stage where its affecting my health more than it should. I suffer from headaches, migraines, loss of vision, dizziness and its actually hard work for me to walk up stairs without getting out of breathe. That's bad.

Does anyone have anything they'd recommend? Recipes? Exercises?
I used to be a vegetarian when I lost all the weight but last summer my boyfriend got me to eat tuna sandwiches and now I eat meat again although not much as I'm really picky. I've been wanting to go back to being vegetarian especially since I've convinced myself that's why I lost all the weight but people won't let me. :(

So yeah, hello all, hope everyone is doing well :) I'd be grateful for any advice or ideas :D


  • koshkacat
    koshkacat Posts: 6
    Morning! I'm rather new here too, I really do think this site works (if you let it), for me I have to be honest about what I eat and accurate as well.... Sometimes its tempting to just "forget" that piece of chocolate :D. But no! Feel free to add me as a friend! It's always good to have all these people and their success stories keeping you accountable.
  • alliecat40
    alliecat40 Posts: 31 Member
    I feel your pain since Jan. 14, 2011 I have lost 40 lbs. and I have changed my life style. I eat very little meat or dairy and I eat 75% raw unproccessed food. I eat alot of fruits, nuts and vegtables. I feel much better and my energy level is thru the roof. If you get a chance watch a movie called "Food Matters" and / or " The Gerson Miracle".
  • EpicEmmyy
    EpicEmmyy Posts: 9
    koshkacat: Morning? Where are you from? Its 16:50 here :P I try to 'forget' there's a piece of cake or a chocolate bar there but my mind doesn't listen! D: I've got to fight it though, if I don't do anything now I never will :( and been told so many times by so many people that its harder to lose weight the older you get. Thanks, I'll add you in a second :D

    alliecat40: Wow you've lost 40lbs? That's really good! :) The only meat I eat now is chicken really. I used to eat tuna but I'd always feel bad eating it and after seeing a sickening video on the internet last week I've totally gone off and refuse to eat tuna. Chicken is basically all I'll eat now. But I bet it won't be long before I go off that too. I just wish I knew recipes and stuff. Okay thanks for the recommendations, I'll make a note to do that n_n.
  • tigereyz30
    tigereyz30 Posts: 35
    Hello! I think you've made the biggest step by coming here and accepting that it's time to make a change. I guess it is harder to loose weight as you get older but I don't think it's easy at any age. I'm 36 and have bounced up and down and all around since before my kids were born. I've always struggled with that extra 10-20 but then last year I found I was nearly 60 pounds above where I wanted to be! I'm down 15, so I guess I'm a quarter of the way there but still a LONG way to go. I'm also doing this for my daughter, who's 13 and is struggling as well. My husband, who's also working to loose 50 plus pounds, and I are trying to be better role models for her. It's a journey, no matter how much you are working to loose. Do what works for you and feels right. Good luck to you! I sent a friend request.
  • EpicEmmyy
    EpicEmmyy Posts: 9
    Hello there! Yeah I can't remember how I came across this website - probably a random Google search lead me here. I need to lose the weight now, I'm sick of my stomach and thighs :( I think that it is great you're doing it for your daughter and as a family. Thank you :) good luck to you too ! & I have accepted it ;) x