Wentra Member


  • Hello. I'm so new to this that I don't even know what macros are in relation to dieting...
  • Hi, I know how you feel. I work out at my former college because the facilities are free for alumni members. So, I am surrounded by thin and young people. Occasionally a professor or another alumni member comes in. I have noticed that most people don't pay attention to me though. So, I just tune out everyone and focus on…
  • Your post is a good reminder that we need to be more encouraging to one another.
  • You are exactly right WanderingMe. Lib_B, Check with your doctor for nutritionist before trying to lose weight that quickly. I know someone who did that, but had to have her gall bladder removed from the side effects of rapid weight loss.
  • Keep in mind that the pregnant body produces an extra pint of blood in preparation for child birth. This would make the heart work a little bit harder. Slowing your routine down may help. Keep an eye on your blood pressure, as this can cause a change in heart rate. It is also possible that you may be subconsciously anxious…
  • I have yogurt and fruit every morning for breakfast and have not had any ill effects from it. I don't see where a protein shake would be any worse. It might even be better.
  • Welcome. I started using this site about two weeks ago and am having great success with it. I am sure you will too!
  • Pretty sneaky! I think I will try it when the plateauing starts. :drinker:
    in Plateau!!! Comment by Wentra May 2011
  • Rorosaw, Please tell me what youmean by zigzagging calories.
    in Plateau!!! Comment by Wentra May 2011
  • If you lost 53 pounds before you plauteaued, than you are doing really well! Maybe changing or mixing up your workout routine a little bit would help. Try walking or jogging a couple days a week instead of the gym. You could also try a yoga or workout class a few days a week. I have heard great things about Zumba burning…
    in Plateau!!! Comment by Wentra May 2011