

  • I have to say i am really sad right now. I just had my post op appt and my doc told me that basically all the exercising i can do is walking, elliptical and cycling. he said i could keep doing the 30 day shred but nothing that has to do with bouncing or any kind of strain on my neck.... i have thought about doing pilates…
  • anyone else from utah??
  • i am late to the party but it's only 9:30 here in Utah...So day 2 was ok but i have to remember that even though i am not super sore it's good i am a little sore, sometimes i hate not being able to do 110% but i did just have major neck surgery. I have a question, does anybody elses lower back hurt on the last abs workout?…
  • i did my first workout this morning, I had major neck surgery 3 weeks ago so i am still trying to figure out how to keep my heart rate up and keep up with them. walking on the treadmill is ok i have no problems there so let's hope i can still lose the weight or inches i need to. i will measure when my dh gets home
  • Day one finished.....okay some questions how do i know how many calories i burned? or do i guess. i just had major neck surgery 3 weeks ago so i have to take it really easy, any suggestions to keep my heart rate up and still do what i can?
  • i don't have any ocd but i do have depression and anxiety, celexa has worked well for me but when i get down and out, getting out of the house has worked well for me. I had to do this today. i just drove around with the window down, but sometimes just getting out of the house is just what i need hth some
  • I am new here and i am starting all my weight loss stuff tomorrow, I have that dvd and would love to be involved in this group....I have to admit that it is going to be really hard for me and it's going to be tough....hope i can get some great support here!! Good Luck everyone