Summer Shredders (closed group)



  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
    Just curious... I've seen a few people (not just on this thread either) refer to 30DS as being 25-28 minutes long. The actual workout that I do (level 1) including both 2-minute warm ups and cool downs, plus the 18 minute circuit puts it at 24 minutes long. Am I missing something? I'm not even certain about how I should log my calories, since technically you aren't burning calories at the same rate during the first 2 minute warm up. So I've just been logging it at 24 minutes max.

    @ Imwitha - People are probably including the warm up/cool down. Which you might end up doing as well...once you go thru the warm up for L2 & L3 (insert wicked witch laugh here) :wink:

    EDIT - and I post my Jillian workouts as "Circuit Training"

    BTW - LOVE your 2 bulletpoints inside your signature!! LOL

    Oops my bad, I meant that both 2-minute warm ups/cool downs plus the 18 minute circuit is only *22* minutes long. So yeah, still confused as to why people are claiming that their workout is longer than that.

    Glad you guys like my signature!! LOL :laugh:
  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
    Just finished day 2! I have to say I'm definitely sore from yesterday and it was just enough to make today just that much harder.

    I still can't do push ups for the entire time. I'm on my knees and I do as many as I can and then I'll skip one and then try to join back in. I'm hoping with each workout I can skip one less and less.

    I find the strength training in the first circuit the hardest. The one where you squat and then when you come up you do the arm press over your head. Once I've done a couple of those I find it so hard to keep my arms engaged and to keep going. I think out of all the exercising that one takes it out of me the most.

    Is everyone doing some other form exercise while they're doing the shred everyday??

    Is anyone JUST doing the shred all by itself??

    I'm with you on the push ups girl. The first day I did all of them (on my knees) and I was so impressed with myself...second day I couldn't lower myself all the way down to the floor cause my arms kept on giving out, so I just tried to do it as best as I could. Today (Day3) I'm hoping there will be some sort of improvement, so we'll see!!

    Also, I planned to do 30 mins on my elliptical 3x week plus doing the shred every day. I haven't done that yet simply because I've been so sore, but I'm going to be starting cardio+shred today. Should keep me busy enough :tongue:
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,141 Member
    I'm still waiting for my DVD to arrive. :grumble: Hopefully it will be here tomorrow so I can get a move on!

    Whenever it gets here, we will be here for support!! It's day 3 and I'm not feeling as sore...kinda procrastinating, but in a bit, I SWEAR IT, I will get up and run a couple miles to get some cardio in, and then do the shred... :sick:
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,141 Member
    Day 3 done...hardest day so far overall, although I did 8 pushups in a row! Whoooot!
  • chefmom1
    chefmom1 Posts: 8
    I have to say i am really sad right now.

    I just had my post op appt and my doc told me that basically all the exercising i can do is walking, elliptical and cycling.

    he said i could keep doing the 30 day shred but nothing that has to do with bouncing or any kind of strain on my neck....

    i have thought about doing pilates instead, would that work?

    could i still be in the group?
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,141 Member
    I have to say i am really sad right now.

    I just had my post op appt and my doc told me that basically all the exercising i can do is walking, elliptical and cycling.

    he said i could keep doing the 30 day shred but nothing that has to do with bouncing or any kind of strain on my neck....

    i have thought about doing pilates instead, would that work?

    could i still be in the group?

    Sorry to hear. You need to take care of your neck so u don't have problems down the line. Totally stay with us for support and give your little neck some much needed TLC!
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    Just curious... I've seen a few people (not just on this thread either) refer to 30DS as being 25-28 minutes long. The actual workout that I do (level 1) including both 2-minute warm ups and cool downs, plus the 18 minute circuit puts it at 24 minutes long. Am I missing something? I'm not even certain about how I should log my calories, since technically you aren't burning calories at the same rate during the first 2 minute warm up. So I've just been logging it at 24 minutes max.

    @ Imwitha - People are probably including the warm up/cool down. Which you might end up doing as well...once you go thru the warm up for L2 & L3 (insert wicked witch laugh here) :wink:

    EDIT - and I post my Jillian workouts as "Circuit Training"

    BTW - LOVE your 2 bulletpoints inside your signature!! LOL

    Oops my bad, I meant that both 2-minute warm ups/cool downs plus the 18 minute circuit is only *22* minutes long. So yeah, still confused as to why people are claiming that their workout is longer than that.

    Glad you guys like my signature!! LOL :laugh:

    I've recorded it that way because at the end of the cooldown stretching, my DVD player reads 27:43 minutes. I take out 1:43 for Jillian talking in the beginning and record it as 26 minutes. I may be a minute or two (or 4) off but I usually continue stretching and whatnot for a couple minutes afterwards because her cooldown time just isn't enough for me.
  • oxavecamourxo
    oxavecamourxo Posts: 270 Member
    I did day 3 today, and I must say, I'm a little disappointed in myself. I went in thinking I was going to try even harder today than yesterday, but after the first set of push-ups, I kind of stopped trying. I think it was because I had Jillian on mute. She wasn't there to motivate me! I got through the entire workout, but I took A LOT of breaks. Tomorrow is going to be different! :angry:
  • Arachne
    Arachne Posts: 17 Member
    I did day 2 today and it was rough since I am bit sore, but I did it!!! I can't do the pushups very well because my wrist is still super sore and stiff (got my cast off a week ago today), but I do the best I can. None the less it's done!!!

    I'm already behind a day, but I will be behind another two or three after this weekend because my husband and I are going to a marriage retreat with his unit. The resort has no televisions and Friday and Saturday's schedule is pretty non-stop. I am really hoping that I can pop the DVD in my laptop and do it that way, but I'm just not sure how this will pan out.

    Great job everyone keep up the good work!!!!!!
  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
    Just curious... I've seen a few people (not just on this thread either) refer to 30DS as being 25-28 minutes long. The actual workout that I do (level 1) including both 2-minute warm ups and cool downs, plus the 18 minute circuit puts it at 24 minutes long. Am I missing something? I'm not even certain about how I should log my calories, since technically you aren't burning calories at the same rate during the first 2 minute warm up. So I've just been logging it at 24 minutes max.

    @ Imwitha - People are probably including the warm up/cool down. Which you might end up doing as well...once you go thru the warm up for L2 & L3 (insert wicked witch laugh here) :wink:

    EDIT - and I post my Jillian workouts as "Circuit Training"

    BTW - LOVE your 2 bulletpoints inside your signature!! LOL

    Oops my bad, I meant that both 2-minute warm ups/cool downs plus the 18 minute circuit is only *22* minutes long. So yeah, still confused as to why people are claiming that their workout is longer than that.

    Glad you guys like my signature!! LOL :laugh:

    I've recorded it that way because at the end of the cooldown stretching, my DVD player reads 27:43 minutes. I take out 1:43 for Jillian talking in the beginning and record it as 26 minutes. I may be a minute or two (or 4) off but I usually continue stretching and whatnot for a couple minutes afterwards because her cooldown time just isn't enough for me.

    That makes sense... I don't have a dvd player, so I just play the dvd through my husband's xbox. It's doesn't have a time readout or anything, so I was just going by what the actual dvd case said. Thanks!

    EDIT: Day 3 done!! Not half as bad as I was expecting it to be! I was able to do all of the push ups, (unlike yesterday) just not able to lower myself all the way down to the floor. But still better than I expected! Question for those who have previously completed the shred..... When does the soreness go away?? I mean seriously, I love it because it tells me that the workout is effective, but I'm miserable! I can barely walk up and down the two flights of stairs in my house! My abs are the worst though, so coughing and sneezing (I have a cold) hurts me pretty bad :frown:
  • Day 3 done!! I suck at the push ups too:frown: and my bad knees are feeling sore! But the rest of me feels better:smile:

    Ready for day 4!
  • kam81
    kam81 Posts: 30 Member
    Finished day 2....still way sore from yesterday, though not as weak when I finished this time. Will definitely be stretching before going to sleep tonight. :)
  • DanceYogaRun
    DanceYogaRun Posts: 373 Member
    OK, I see a lot of people saying how sore they were/are and I'm wondering if I'm not pushing hard enough. I was a little sore the first day, but that was it.

    xoavecamourxo, I totally lamed out today, too. I didn't take any breaks, but I hardly tried on the push ups. I was just feeling weak! In my defense, I did get up early this AM to run for the C25k, then had an Ashtanga class. Finally, I came home for lunch and then did the dvd. Wednesdays are just really busy work out wise, so maybe it will be better tomorrow and Friday. At least we went through the motions and are developing the habit, right?
  • bsed18
    bsed18 Posts: 41 Member
    I have to say i am really sad right now.

    I just had my post op appt and my doc told me that basically all the exercising i can do is walking, elliptical and cycling.

    he said i could keep doing the 30 day shred but nothing that has to do with bouncing or any kind of strain on my neck....

    i have thought about doing pilates instead, would that work?

    could i still be in the group?

    Don't be sad...getting yourself back to tip-top shape is important. Walking, elliptical, cycling and pilates can all prep you for when you are fully back on your feet. Actually, I think it is great if you do pilates and keep in touch with the group. I would love to see just how far pilates would get you in comparison. If you find a good pilates video, let us know.
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    L3D5 complete. I was able to do all the walking push ups on my toes; although I'm not getting the fullest bend in my elbows. But I'll take it....yeah, baby!

    I found the soreness went away around D5 or D6; but everyone will be different depending on how deep & intense you take each of the moves.

    My Ripped in 30 DVD won't play on my laptop so no Ri30 until I return home on Sunday. :sad:

    Keep up the great efforts, fellow Shredders!!
  • bsed18
    bsed18 Posts: 41 Member
    i am late to the party but it's only 9:30 here in Utah...So day 2 was ok but i have to remember that even though i am not super sore it's good i am a little sore, sometimes i hate not being able to do 110% but i did just have major neck surgery.

    I have a question, does anybody elses lower back hurt on the last abs workout? Mine do and i am not sure what i am doing wrong or what to do to fix it.

    also the last cardio workout kills me, i can barely breathe through it, any advice on how to breathe better.

    I did not want to do this today but i am so glad that i did!!!

    Be careful that you aren't extending your legs too low. I know that if I don't pay attention to the height of my legs, it will put a lot of pressure on my lower back. The higher you keep your legs the less the pressure. Ease your abs into it. As they get stronger, you can dip them down a little further.

    Also, on the breathing...focus on steady breaths. I did 30DS months ago and found myself in the same position as you. I have since picked up running and have learned how to focus on my breathing. I have noticed that focusing on the breathing helps here, too. I find myself still getting winded in the last 30 seconds, but I have noticed a tremendous difference since my first go around.
  • oxavecamourxo
    oxavecamourxo Posts: 270 Member
    OK, I see a lot of people saying how sore they were/are and I'm wondering if I'm not pushing hard enough. I was a little sore the first day, but that was it.

    xoavecamourxo, I totally lamed out today, too. I didn't take any breaks, but I hardly tried on the push ups. I was just feeling weak! In my defense, I did get up early this AM to run for the C25k, then had an Ashtanga class. Finally, I came home for lunch and then did the dvd. Wednesdays are just really busy work out wise, so maybe it will be better tomorrow and Friday. At least we went through the motions and are developing the habit, right?

    Yeah, that's true. I've still got to do a bit more exercise tonight, so it's not like I'm TOTALLY slacking. lol And if I get to day four I'll be doing better than the last time I tried this. :happy:
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Day 3 done....

    The cardio was alot better today, but the pushups and the bicycles crunches were the hardest for me today.
    By the way I am using really light weight (1.5 lbs), I plan on buying 3lb and 5 lb weights next week so hopefully I can still get through without dieing lol
  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
    Day 3 done....

    The cardio was alot better today, but the pushups and the bicycles crunches were the hardest for me today.
    By the way I am using really light weight (1.5 lbs), I plan on buying 3lb and 5 lb weights next week so hopefully I can still get through without dieing lol

    The bicycle crunches are killer!! By far my least favorite ab exercise.
  • MarieNevada
    MarieNevada Posts: 395 Member
    Day 3 done. Once again I couldnt get my butt out of bed in the morning so I had to do it tonight after 1 hr of weight lifting. You'd think I'd learn. Okay, first set of push ups I could do all the way. second set, i had to take a break. I'm still not going as low as I should but going a bit lower. My knee is really killing me, same thing happened last year when i worked with a personal trainer. The doc said arthritis but it feels like something's swollen in there to the side and back of my knee cap. Don't know if i want to to go to a different doctor or just push through. I get new orthotics tomorrow. Maybe they'll help.

    I've got to say, I really like Jillian as an instructor. She's direct, she's motivating without bull**** or fake happy. I might have to get more of her DVD's once this challenge is over.

    Great job everyone!!
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