Summer Shredders (closed group)



  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    Just finished Day 3 at 12:15am. I need to start doing this earlier in the evening!!! I very much had the opportunity to just call it a night and go to bed but I'm definitely patting myself on the back for doing it, especially as late as it is.

    I had a lot of problem with my lower legs tonight, calves and shins. Made it through all of the strength and abs but had problems with the jumping jacks and jump rope. I'm assuming this is because I ran a couple miles before hand for the first 2 days and that might have warmed things up a bit. Tonight was my off night from running so maybe that had something to do with it.

    As long as I get it in tomorrow, I'll have surpassed my last attempt :) And now.... I shall pass out.....
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    JustJenn- great job! ive had a night or two where it got so late i thought about skipping!

    But i am happy to say i just finished day 27... 27 days straight, zero rest days. I just had a baby 3 months ago and im terribly out of shape, if i can do it you can do it!!! Sunday ill post my final results to give you all that extra little motivational push!!!
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    JustJenn- great job! ive had a night or two where it got so late i thought about skipping!

    But i am happy to say i just finished day 27... 27 days straight, zero rest days. I just had a baby 3 months ago and im terribly out of shape, if i can do it you can do it!!! Sunday ill post my final results to give you all that extra little motivational push!!!

    Can't wait to hear your results!

    Anyone experencing a huge amout of energy? I think it is Jillian! I won't call her any names today as I do her video. I at least owe her a non slander type work out for how good I feel today...and the soreness is going away. Happy!
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    i have so much more energy now that i do her everyday! and haha irish, i no longer call her names and tell her to shut it while i work out =]
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    day 28 DONE! Im almost done ladies, cant wait to share my results with you and start over!!! =]
  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
    JustJenn- great job! ive had a night or two where it got so late i thought about skipping!

    But i am happy to say i just finished day 27... 27 days straight, zero rest days. I just had a baby 3 months ago and im terribly out of shape, if i can do it you can do it!!! Sunday ill post my final results to give you all that extra little motivational push!!!

    Can't wait to hear your results!

    Anyone experencing a huge amout of energy? I think it is Jillian! I won't call her any names today as I do her video. I at least owe her a non slander type work out for how good I feel today...and the soreness is going away. Happy!

    I'm psyched to see your results!!! I can't wait!

    @Irishgal, I'm so energetic these past few days!! I also find that I'm sleeping a lot better at night. I usually have trouble falling asleep for hours and by the time I wake in the morning I'm exhausted, but I haven't been noticing it as much the last few days. I guess Jillian wears me out! Oh and I feel a lot of soreness is gone today. Granted I still feel the burn in my legs, abs and arms, but to a much lesser degree. I'm excited for my Day 4 workout today!
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    I love to hear all this positive news, friends!!

    Day #4 is do -uh- uh- done!

    Now that we are doing day 4, and almost 1/2 done with our first set of 10 days, I want to remind you all to breathe correctly. We will see the most difference after 30 days if we watch our breathing...

    Women's Health Magaine posted on facebook today:
    ‎"Breathing correctly is the key to better fitness, muscle strength, stamina and athletic endurance." - Dr. Michael Yessis

    Breathe in, breathe out, and listen to when Jillian tells us to do it - it really does make a difference!

    Have a wonderful day!!
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    I love to hear all this positive news, friends!!

    Day #4 is do -uh- uh- done!

    Now that we are doing day 4, and almost 1/2 done with our first set of 10 days, I want to remind you all to breathe correctly. We will see the most difference after 30 days if we watch our breathing...

    Women's Health Magaine posted on facebook today:
    ‎"Breathing correctly is the key to better fitness, muscle strength, stamina and athletic endurance." - Dr. Michael Yessis

    Breathe in, breathe out, and listen to when Jillian tells us to do it - it really does make a difference!

    Have a wonderful day!!

    I try really hard to breathe the way Jillian instructs us to but then I find myself on the brink of hyperventilating. Especially during the cardio punches. Inoutinoutinoutinout with each punch?!?!? Can't do it! But duing the ab exercises and whatnot, I really monitor my breathing to make sure I'm getting the most out of it.
  • oxavecamourxo
    oxavecamourxo Posts: 270 Member
    I love to hear all this positive news, friends!!

    Day #4 is do -uh- uh- done!

    Now that we are doing day 4, and almost 1/2 done with our first set of 10 days, I want to remind you all to breathe correctly. We will see the most difference after 30 days if we watch our breathing...

    Women's Health Magaine posted on facebook today:
    ‎"Breathing correctly is the key to better fitness, muscle strength, stamina and athletic endurance." - Dr. Michael Yessis

    Breathe in, breathe out, and listen to when Jillian tells us to do it - it really does make a difference!

    Have a wonderful day!!

    I try really hard to breathe the way Jillian instructs us to but then I find myself on the brink of hyperventilating. Especially during the cardio punches. Inoutinoutinoutinout with each punch?!?!? Can't do it! But duing the ab exercises and whatnot, I really monitor my breathing to make sure I'm getting the most out of it.

    I agree. If I breathe the way she does I feel like I'm going to pass out. Not fun. lol But I do make sure to breathe. My husband pointed out a while ago that I tend to hold my breathe when I exercise, so I've been focusing on my breathing more to make sure I don't do that.

    So, I did day 4 today. It was no fun, but it was better than yesterday. I did a few more push-ups today, got through a bit more of the jump rope, and took fewer breaks. I get really hot really fast doing this workout, but I noticed when I was doing the jump rope that if I pull my pant legs up it's a lot easier because it cools me down. I might have to start wearing shorts instead of pj pants. :happy:
  • MarieNevada
    MarieNevada Posts: 395 Member
    Day 4 done. I think i'll move to level 2 because it barely got my heart rate up. also, i found that push ups are a lot easier if you rest yoru hands on your weights. so hold them, then put them down on the floor like a little handle to hold. Much easier because your wrist isn't strained. They sell several devices like this and i see guys in the gym using them all the time. I could go much lower when i did them this way.
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    Day 4 done. I think i'll move to level 2 because it barely got my heart rate up. also, i found that push ups are a lot easier if you rest yoru hands on your weights. so hold them, then put them down on the floor like a little handle to hold. Much easier because your wrist isn't strained. They sell several devices like this and i see guys in the gym using them all the time. I could go much lower when i did them this way.

    Wow, thanks for the suggestion!

    I could do all my pushups today - however, I do it with my knees on the floor the entire time. The first one I did without on the floor and I could do it - however, just one. Am I the only one who sucks at these? I have to say - never, ever, ever have I ever been able (as I can recall) do do a pushup without knees on the floor but I did do the 1 today, so I felt very excited over that 1. I guess it's the baby steps that get us to our goals sometimes - :laugh:
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    Day 4 done. I think i'll move to level 2 because it barely got my heart rate up. also, i found that push ups are a lot easier if you rest yoru hands on your weights. so hold them, then put them down on the floor like a little handle to hold. Much easier because your wrist isn't strained. They sell several devices like this and i see guys in the gym using them all the time. I could go much lower when i did them this way.

    Wow, thanks for the suggestion!

    I could do all my pushups today - however, I do it with my knees on the floor the entire time. The first one I did without on the floor and I could do it - however, just one. Am I the only one who sucks at these? I have to say - never, ever, ever have I ever been able (as I can recall) do do a pushup without knees on the floor but I did do the 1 today, so I felt very excited over that 1. I guess it's the baby steps that get us to our goals sometimes - :laugh:

    I wasn't going to admit it at first, but the push-ups are my weakest item. I not only do them on my knees, but I also use a step. I have really bad wrists so it's difficult for me to bend my hands backwards with my upper body weight on them. I used to try to do the push-ups with a closed fist but my nails started cutting into my palms so that quickly stopped. Now I put my hands on the bottom step of my staircase and still do them on my knees. I still TOTALLY feel the burn and have to take a shake-break every 5 push-ups or so (release out of position and shake the muscle area to move the lactic acid). If anyone is still having problems making it through the push-ups sections, I HIGHLY recommend trying this technique.
  • jennnny
    jennnny Posts: 65
    I AGREE! I think the inoutinout during the punches is a little much and almost impossible. I try to follow her breathing instructions on everything else but those too!
  • jennnny
    jennnny Posts: 65
    I just finished day 3!

    I will say that today felt just a tad bit easier than day 2. My legs are completely shot from the shred. So much so that I haven't been able to run the last few days. I tried to get out there but I end up walking in no time so I've opted to use my rowing machine for some extra cardio instead!
  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
    Day 4 done!! The push ups are definitely the toughest part for me, although today was a bit easier than yesterday. It's funny, I find that I breathe easiest during the punches because it's so easy to time each breath with each punch. The hardest part for me to breathe at are the bicycle crunches though.
  • kell_riley
    kell_riley Posts: 312
    Hi guys hope you don't mind another joining? i did day 2 today, i too struggle with full push-ups but also i have not been able to keep up with the side bend and arm raises! Its the arms that kill me! And when she say's to raise them to your eye level i'm resting as my arms are dead lol!
    Day 3 tomorrow i'm hoping it gets easier!
  • jmcjamie
    jmcjamie Posts: 82
    day 4 done i did not want to but i just made myself i feel so much better glad your all here for support thankyou!!!
  • jmcjamie
    jmcjamie Posts: 82
    day 4 done i did not want to but i just made myself i feel so much better glad your all here for support thankyou!!!
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    Hi guys hope you don't mind another joining? i did day 2 today, i too struggle with full push-ups but also i have not been able to keep up with the side bend and arm raises! Its the arms that kill me! And when she say's to raise them to your eye level i'm resting as my arms are dead lol!
    Day 3 tomorrow i'm hoping it gets easier!

    Welcome! :flowerforyou: sounds like we struggle with the same things!
  • MarieNevada
    MarieNevada Posts: 395 Member
    Oh I totally do them on my knees, are you kidding? lol but im thinking if we work hard we might be able to knock out a few regular ones by the end of this program. i hope. lol

    ETA oops, meant to quote teh whole pushup thread but forgot. duh