Summer Shredders (closed group)



  • kam81
    kam81 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi guys hope you don't mind another joining? i did day 2 today, i too struggle with full push-ups but also i have not been able to keep up with the side bend and arm raises! Its the arms that kill me! And when she say's to raise them to your eye level i'm resting as my arms are dead lol!
    Day 3 tomorrow i'm hoping it gets easier!

    I'm with ya on that....

    Got through day 3 today. Not nearly as sore as I was yesterday. I was too sore to stretch last night before heading to bed. Today, huge difference. Still doing pushups on my knees though and the side bend, arm raises- not able to raise them either.
  • dcain2
    dcain2 Posts: 102 Member
    I really don't like Natalie!! :noway: I am envious of her stamina!! LOL
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Day 4 done...I'll admit I had a headache after the first set of jumping jacks so i was fighting my way through from there.....the first set of push ups were ok but the 2nd set I just got up and did the rest on the wall (my head was pounding). I find the circuit one to be the worst though once I got over that I was manageable...I didnt push in the cardio but I tried to finish the workout without stopping....

    Then I decided to do 1 mile by Leslie Sansone Walk at Home programme cause my head was still pounding and my heart was racing....ended up doing 3 miles and I actually feel alot better....the headache is also gone son suggest that my heart rate might have increased too fast in the Shred thats why the headache.....anyway I will monitor it...
  • oxavecamourxo
    oxavecamourxo Posts: 270 Member
    Has anyone noticed Natalie slacking off during the bicep curls?
  • MarieNevada
    MarieNevada Posts: 395 Member
    I want Anita's Abs. Seriously. Want. I'll have to lose about 130 more lbs and have a total body lift and maybe, just maybe my abs would approach looking like that. Holy cow but she must work them hard. (anita's the blonde right? or is that natalie? I get them confused. I'm too busy dying from the jumping jacks)
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    L3D6 complete.

    Glad to read everyone is keeping up with 30DS & pushing thru during the tough times. Don't forget to modify when needed - there's nothing wrong with that!
    Has anyone noticed Natalie slacking off during the bicep curls?

    @ Oxavecamourxo (now, THAT'S a tag name! :wink: ) - I think Natalie doing the high intensity is a challenge for her; but she sticks with it. As I've gone thru the 3 levels it makes me feel better during my struggles to see Natalie struggling at times as well. They are human!! :laugh:
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    Day 4 done! I have officially gone further than the last time I tried the shred, lol :) And I finished before 11pm tonight so that was an accomplishment within itself :drinker:

    I am having a real problem though. My calves and shins hurt SO BAD! I think I figured out that it's from the jumping rope. Not sure if its because I'm doing it barefoot or what but I skipped my run tonight because of the pain and I definitely was not up to my full potential during the cardio parts tonight. Not sure what to do about this. Any suggestions?
  • oxavecamourxo
    oxavecamourxo Posts: 270 Member
    L3D6 complete.

    Glad to read everyone is keeping up with 30DS & pushing thru during the tough times. Don't forget to modify when needed - there's nothing wrong with that!
    Has anyone noticed Natalie slacking off during the bicep curls?

    @ Oxavecamourxo (now, THAT'S a tag name! :wink: ) - I think Natalie doing the high intensity is a challenge for her; but she sticks with it. As I've gone thru the 3 levels it makes me feel better during my struggles to see Natalie struggling at times as well. They are human!! :laugh:

    Oh yeah I know. It just made me chuckle a little that Jillian was so proud of them saying neither of them cheat when Natalie is back there cheating a little. I mean, I realize she's not doing it totally on purpose, but tt makes me feel a little better about my struggles, too. :happy:
  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
    Has anyone noticed Natalie slacking off during the bicep curls?

    Haha I totally saw that too!! I was like uhh....cheater!!! :laugh:
  • better_days_ahead
    better_days_ahead Posts: 69 Member
    I am having a real problem though. My calves and shins hurt SO BAD! I think I figured out that it's from the jumping rope. Not sure if its because I'm doing it barefoot or what but I skipped my run tonight because of the pain and I definitely was not up to my full potential during the cardio parts tonight. Not sure what to do about this. Any suggestions?

    MINE TOO! I'm glad I'm not the only one! Two days without shoes, two days with shoes and I had the same results. I have a really, really hard time doing the bicep curls with the lunges because by that point my shins and calves are screaming at me! Maybe more stretching or something before the workout?!
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    I am having a real problem though. My calves and shins hurt SO BAD! I think I figured out that it's from the jumping rope. Not sure if its because I'm doing it barefoot or what but I skipped my run tonight because of the pain and I definitely was not up to my full potential during the cardio parts tonight. Not sure what to do about this. Any suggestions?

    MINE TOO! I'm glad I'm not the only one! Two days without shoes, two days with shoes and I had the same results. I have a really, really hard time doing the bicep curls with the lunges because by that point my shins and calves are screaming at me! Maybe more stretching or something before the workout?!

    I'm actually a little worried. I iced my calves after the workout tonight for about 10-15 minutes. Then I relaxed on the couch for a while before getting ready to head to bed. When I tried to stand up, the toes on my left foot are all pins and needles like I'm not getting enough bloodflow. Never had an issues like this before. I actually felt better when I ran a couple miles before doing the shred. I didn't have soreness at all in my legs until I did ONLY the shred for the day.
  • Nellie1drfl
    Nellie1drfl Posts: 127 Member
    I can do 9 pushups now! I have such a hard time with push ups, I just physically cant get past 9! Halfway done with level one, Yay!
  • Nellie1drfl
    Nellie1drfl Posts: 127 Member
    Anyone care to share the calories your burniing in level 1 with your HRM ? Just curious My HRM is not working right, I usually log with Circuit training 200-250 cal burned. Does this sound accurate?
  • jennnny
    jennnny Posts: 65
    I am having a real problem though. My calves and shins hurt SO BAD! I think I figured out that it's from the jumping rope. Not sure if its because I'm doing it barefoot or what but I skipped my run tonight because of the pain and I definitely was not up to my full potential during the cardio parts tonight. Not sure what to do about this. Any suggestions?

    MINE TOO! I'm glad I'm not the only one! Two days without shoes, two days with shoes and I had the same results. I have a really, really hard time doing the bicep curls with the lunges because by that point my shins and calves are screaming at me! Maybe more stretching or something before the workout?!

    I'm actually a little worried. I iced my calves after the workout tonight for about 10-15 minutes. Then I relaxed on the couch for a while before getting ready to head to bed. When I tried to stand up, the toes on my left foot are all pins and needles like I'm not getting enough bloodflow. Never had an issues like this before. I actually felt better when I ran a couple miles before doing the shred. I didn't have soreness at all in my legs until I did ONLY the shred for the day.

    First of all I am NO expert but I think you both need to stretch stretch stretch those calves and shins out! I think you should most definitely be wearing shoes! If your shins are really hurting it could be from shin splints. If you wear shoes they will help absorb some of the shock from hitting the ground especially during the jump roping. Are you working out on a hard surface or is there carpet under you because that should help too. If you're running with the shred it would probably be helpful to try to run on a softer surface as well, like on the grass next to the road or a beach or something like that, to help your shins out. All in all, stretch to help your calves and provide a lot more support for your feet to help absorb some of the shock for your shins. Also, are you drinking enough water??? :)
  • jennnny
    jennnny Posts: 65
    Just finished day 4!

    I have to admit I'm especially tired today. I could only stay on my erg machine for 5 minutes after I was finished with the shred. I'm eating all of my calories back, I'm getting enough sleep, I'm eating healthy, I know I'm not drinking enough water tho. Could my water intake really have that big of an effect on my energy levels. With each day of the shred I just feel a little more exhausted and honestly I'm scared of level 2. Any advice??
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 861 Member
    Just finished day 4!

    I have to admit I'm especially tired today. I could only stay on my erg machine for 5 minutes after I was finished with the shred. I'm eating all of my calories back, I'm getting enough sleep, I'm eating healthy, I know I'm not drinking enough water tho. Could my water intake really have that big of an effect on my energy levels. With each day of the shred I just feel a little more exhausted and honestly I'm scared of level 2. Any advice??

    ive noticed while doing the shred that on days my water intake is low i get a bit of a headache during the work out and it caries from dull to pounding.
  • horseryder77
    horseryder77 Posts: 224 Member
    Done with day 4!! Definitely much easier than before.. I was able to keep up with everything except the side lunges! Woot!
  • kam81
    kam81 Posts: 30 Member
    Day 4 does get better. Yea!!!! My soreness is almost gone.
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    Day 5 done and wow. I was tired today. Kinda goes faster however when u know what exercise is coming up.

    Here is a fun question....cause I'm bored and in the car right now killing time...just from making an observation from watching the viddeo, who would you hang out with as a friend. Anita or Natalie, and why?

    I'm thinking Natalie is my kinda girl. Seems sweet and I think she would put up with my quirkiness better than Anita. Lol!
  • jmcjamie
    jmcjamie Posts: 82
    Day 5 done easier today i dont know if its just me but my arms are looking a little more toned!