

  • Thanks everyone. I was thinking of getting a HRM looks like it'd be a wise investment so I can figure stuff out easier. Thanks again :)
  • I'm happy I found this thread. Since I started losing weight i'm down 51 lbs. I have 12lbs left to go and joined this site about 12lbs ago. The fluxations of cravings are weird. I dont even mean like wanting bad foods because my body has become accustomed to eating correctly (even though I have a sweet tooth) it's just…
  • congrats! I feel you. I'm 27 my self and got down into the single digit pants for the first time since prob. jr. high or hs. when I hit my goal weight (a healthy 120lbs, i'm only 5'1) I wont have been that weight since I was 12/13 years old and in jr. high! it's insane but I love it. hard work pays off. here's to being…