

  • I attend Illinois State. I guess I'm fortunate because we just built a huge fitness center that's included in tuition fees, so I don't really have to pay anything for it. The only problem is that I'm absolutely horrified of working out in front of other people. I suspect this fear comes from years of torment during gym…
  • Self talk is very important. While negative self talk can be inspiring in the beginning, it's really just bullying yourself into doing something that you don't want to. Positive self talk is the thing that changes habits and improves self-esteem. Anyway, today I told myself that I was already pretty and that my weight loss…
  • Hey, I'm 21 and about two years away from graduating college (unless you count community college, in which case I've already graduated once). Anyway, congrats! I'm also pretty new and just now starting to seriously try to lose weight after falling off the bandwagon three years ago. As such, I'm looking for support as well.…
  • Melissa, my name is Liz. I'm 21 and this past January I was hospitalized for 11 days after my normally slow-cycling bi-polar disorder (for years, misdiagnosed as depression) finally snapped under stress and I started the fast cycling. I'd have up to ten mood swings in an hour, was becoming violent and confrontational, then…
  • Oh man, I had no idea these boards moved so fast! O.o