

  • I go a long time 25-30 days without weight loss, and then it "suddenly" appears on the scale. I suppose that's strange, but it's definitely true for me.
  • Also, I should add that if you don't like weighing your food, you might want to try Weight Watchers Simple Start program. They basically give you a list of foods you can eat in any quantity and still meet your weight loss goals for the week. If you don't want to pay for weight watchers, you may want to try the following…
  • Hello, Sometimes it takes a long time for the changes to show up on the scale. I know it's maddening, but it may take more than week. Case in point, I had been weighing all of my food (with a portable and regular scale) and exercising at a high intensity (not weight training), and meeting my MFP daily goals. Although my…
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