two opinion questions



  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    1. To eat breakfast or to not eat breakfast? I like to eat later in the evening and so I don't eat breakfast and eat a little for lunch, then the rest of my calories for dinner. It's not because I think it's best or I'm trying to fast or anything, I just enjoy having a family dinner, which tends to be our biggest meal of the day with my family. I'm curious if popular opinion says who cares if it fits your calories or that this is slowing down my metabolism.

    2. How consistent should you expect to loose your goal weight each week? More specifically, if I set out to loose 1.5 pounds per week, should I expect a mostly linear progress or do you usually go several weeks with little loss, then a lot all at once?

    1. I very rarely eat breakfast either. I subsist on coffee and sometimes a banana. I also love sitting down with hubby and having a lovely 8-900 calorie meal when he gets home, so I don't force myself to eat breakfast. As far as I know, my metabolism can't slow down in the 13-14 hours I go without food. And I workout later in the day too so I like to have a cushion in case I'm starving after a workout, or need extra protein.

    2. I have set it to lose 1lb/week. And my progress is as follows - week 1 down 1.3lbs. Week 2 down 2.7lbs (total). Week 3 down 3.1lbs total. At the beginning of week 4 I put on 3.2lbs, making my total 'loss' a gain of 0.1lbs lol. Tried not to panic, ate normally aside from anniversary meal and dessert, and a few nights of too much ice cream. 11 days later that 3.2lbs finally fell off. Next morning dropped another 0.9lbs. Next day, another 0.5.

    So DEFINITELY not linear lol. But if you've hit your calorie goal 90% of the time, you can be 100% sure it's not fat gain if you see a gain. Most likely water weight or poop-weight. So don't get discouraged if your weight is all over the place! I weigh every day as it helps me keep track of fluctuations and stops me stressing when I see a 3lb gain lol.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Educated Opinion: Whatever works for you.

    Over 70% of people who have lost more than 30 pounds and kept it off for a year eat breakfast. While that's a lot, it's not 90% or 99%. A fair minority of successful weight loss respondents regularly don't eat breakfast.

    I would say that may be so as the majority of people still eat breakfast so there are more people that eat breakfast than don't. what would be interesting is to see the % of Breakfast eater that keep it off vs. those that don't eat breakfast. The non-Breakfast eaters may be in the 80%
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    1. To eat breakfast or to not eat breakfast? I like to eat later in the evening and so I don't eat breakfast and eat a little for lunch, then the rest of my calories for dinner. It's not because I think it's best or I'm trying to fast or anything, I just enjoy having a family dinner, which tends to be our biggest meal of the day with my family. I'm curious if popular opinion says who cares if it fits your calories or that this is slowing down my metabolism.

    It doesn't make a difference whether you eat breakfast or not. I personally do not eat it. I break my fast at around noon or 1 pm. I mean some times I'm in the mood for it. It is totally up to you and how your body reacts with or without breakfast. Some people just cannot get through the morning without breakfast. Some people like you or myself prefer to eat bigger the rest of the day and do not really need breakfast.
    2. How consistent should you expect to loose your goal weight each week? More specifically, if I set out to loose 1.5 pounds per week, should I expect a mostly linear progress or do you usually go several weeks with little loss, then a lot all at once?

    It is not linear. You can lose one week and not the next. You can go weeks or even months sometimes. If you you do go more than 4 weeks though without losing, then I would reassess your goals. So many things can effect this.
  • Nero_2015
    I go a long time 25-30 days without weight loss, and then it "suddenly" appears on the scale. I suppose that's strange, but it's definitely true for me.