kimp475 Member


  • The energy thing will pass, it just takes time. I put a lot of weight on with chemo and a big chunk with radio and lost most of it, then put it all back on after using surgeries as an excuse to comfort eat. Gentle walking, fresh air and a little bit of sun on your face will make you feel better. Feel free to email me if…
  • She might have had him at 15, but she's clearly a very good mum and a decent human being, good on her. Hopefully a lesson he'll carry with him into adulthood. Thanks for sharing that, it gives us all hope!
  • In Cardiff, getting over a grotty cold and waiting in for blimmin' Argos to deliver my new red fridge freezer then I can take the dog out and get on with some DIY. Feel free to add me, I've only just joined so looking for friends. Have a good weekend everyone.
  • Can I join please, I really need something to get me motivated? I'm new to MFP so I'd like to make some MFP friends as well! Kimso