After Chemo

I'm interested in other's stories about weight gain after chemo for breast cancer. I lost a lot, 40 pounds, during the first 6 mo. of chemo. The last 6 mo. of chemo I gained 30 of it back. I'm having a hard time exercising due to lack of energy. Trying hard to change :0


  • kimp475
    kimp475 Posts: 4 Member
    The energy thing will pass, it just takes time. I put a lot of weight on with chemo and a big chunk with radio and lost most of it, then put it all back on after using surgeries as an excuse to comfort eat. Gentle walking, fresh air and a little bit of sun on your face will make you feel better. Feel free to email me if you want to talk about anything...Take care of yourself, Kim
  • Thank you for the reply. I also had the 6 weeks of radiation in between the year of chemo.
  • whatsername2312
    whatsername2312 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, congratulations on getting through your chemo. I gained over 40 pounds after my chemo and during that time I was too tired and depressed to move. Just take things slow. I liked just going for shorts walks and enjoying life outside again, even though walks were difficult for me then. Then I progressed onto Wii fit in the privacy of my home. Gradually i felt i could start running again, now i weight train too. Your body has been through a lot, be kind to it and enjoy looking after it and making it healthier and stronger than before. Because you still can. Best of luck :)