

  • No, its not! Just move on and each day do your best on reaching your goal. Your body will adjust, but consistency is the best to allow your body to get used to your routine. Don't get discouraged, just work just as hard on your exercise and keep your food goals consistent. Everyone deserves a "cheat day", as long as your…
  • I think you will definitely benefit from this website. Just continue to push yourself to keep up with your workouts and eating right. Don't kill yourself, just make it fun!! Anyhow, welcome to the MFP family, and let us know if you need anything!! God Bless, js
  • Don't worry, you will succeed!! Just commit to reaching your goal!!! You have plenty of support through this website!! Keep up the great work, and don't hesitate to reach out for support!! God Bless, js:smile:
  • Great job, I'm in that same boat!! But mostly, I'm feeling better, more energy, and my wife is taking notice!! Keep it up girl! js:laugh: