

  • For me, it depends on the time of day. I have no idea of your age or how much you are trying to loose. I do the carb and protein swap. The goal is to eat less carbs than protein. In the daytime such as between breakfast and lunch, I enyoy protein shakes. Chocolate is my favorite. It also helps me feel less needy for…
  • Another option is hard boiled eggs (2) and 12 grain bread...yummy and very satisfying. Also high in protein so it helps you feel fuller longer.
  • I like to eat a bowl of Special K with protein with fresh blueberries or strawberries on top. I purchase Blue Diamond Unsweetened Almond Milk. It has half the calories and it taste very good. It's my go to breakfast. The fruit on top is a good for you fruit and does not add calories like bananas. I do love bananas, but…
  • Weekends are hard for me too. :(
  • After 8 snacks is hard for me, too. Almonds ( handful) and string cheese is alright. At least that's what I've been told. At approx. 8:15, my stomachs starts fussing. I can almost taste a nutritional bar or sweet potato chips. It feels like I start obsessing over food.. I'm like "please" just one. Oh my gosh... It's just…
  • I know this may sound odd, but I would keep a small toothpaste, floss, and brush in my purse. I especially use it to stop my after 8 cravings. When you start to crave... Run to the bathroom and clean your teeth. It helps a lot. I don't know it it will work for you, but I hate putting food on my just cleaned teeth. Oh, and…
  • Hello Tiffany :). I have been struggling with the same issue. I see a dietician every other week. I'm 5'3" and weigh .... Well too much. This app is incredible in regards to adding your foods. I am trying to lose 40 pounds. It is and will always feel discouraged if you are using a scale for tracking your weight. It seems…
  • Hello More... I've been using this app for 45 days. It's difficult to contiguously add your foods, but it's also extremely helpful. When I started, I was consuming up to 2,000 calories each day. If you need any help with setting your goals or support, feel free to look me up. I'm trying , too and can use friends also.
  • I enjoy snacking also. Everyone is different with taste preferences, but I love sweets. What my diatician suggested is high protein and low carb. There is a company called "Health Wise" that have high protein snacks like BBQ chips. They have 15 protein, 8 sugar, and only 14 carbs. They are yummy. This place also has…
  • The statement I just made was a response I read from the man who said "I'm glad the women on here know their place". No one else.
  • I'm sorry, but that statement is just mean. Women are loving and kind. Not because it's "knowing their place" it is because it's our nature. If women are kind to you then they deserve the same in return. Very odd statement and it has nothing to do with being supportive.
  • I was encouraged to get one of those little pedometers and clip it to my pants every morning and I would be amazed at how many steps I take each day. It's just an idea, but I'm going to try it myself. Good luck :)