

  • I may be being most helpful with providing you of more protein, I have been being eating many pineapples recently which I am being led to believe, may make the taste more better but I do not really care about the flavour and will being most willing to fill your empty tummy.
  • Hello Mr Squeer, First of all I am being most horrified about the injuries you have being suffering and I am being most heartfelt when I am being sending my sympathy. Secondly, I am being able to give you advice about pleasuring yourself, I have being finding it most pleasurable to rub against people when in the subway.…
  • I am being so glad that there are none of those feminist females being on here, it is making me very happy that all the women being on here know their place and do as they are told and marry who they are told, it most pleases me.
  • That is not being a distraction, that is being her job. I am also believing that making sandwiches is also being part of her job.