wilsoncl6 Member


  • After considering it for a while, I don't think there is much of a difference between preference and fetish. All attraction, whether it is a fetish or preference is based on an emotional and psychological reference. The only difference to me is that a person with a fetish cannot find the same enjoyment or satisfaction with…
  • Shh, the voices are talking!
  • If you're a rocker or a throwback to the 80's hair bands, go for 1. If you're between the ages of 16 and 24, probably 2. If you're between the ages of 25 and 35, probably 3. Anything above that, none of the above, unless you're sporting some serious quads, calves and butt then go for 3. My typical wear is 3. Never 4 unless…
  • It's about to get real up in here. :o
  • 1. Chocolate Chip cookies fresh from the oven 2. Apricot body butter 3. Fresh Baked Sweet Potato Pie 4. Steak on the Grill 5. Flowers in the spring
  • I could never pull that off. Beard grows in patchy, scratchy as hell and points in all different kinds of directions. It's like taming a black bear while wearing a meat coat made out of salmon parts. Kudos to you sir. I can pull off one hell of a goatee though but it's more work than it's worth and makes me look ten years…
  • Phone calls are for those you "really" care about and that will have enough courtesy to not keep you on the line too long, texting is for everyone else.
  • You can add it in weight training as resistance bands are the same as if you used free weights or machines, just not as intense depending on the type of bands used. I wouldn't log it though (I never log my weight training) because the calorie burn is negligible during the exercise. You might set yourself up for failure by…
  • It would seem like your rate of fat loss would slow, if not stop completely or even gain, if you didn't take in less calories as it will take time to build muscle to increase your resting metabolic rate to compensate.
  • Too reminiscent of tighty whities. Must be at least mid thigh to qualify as boxer briefs in my book.
  • Just ignore the bloodstains.
  • Handcuffs or rope?
  • Scientifically speaking, women typically have more problems with a FWB situation than men for various reasons: Societal expectations, hormonal reactions to intimacy and the like. However, I see nothing wrong with it at all because not every man is meant for every woman and not every woman is meant for every man so why not…
  • Well, you can gain lean muscle while in a deficit, especially if you're new to lifting and you have a good reserve of fat to burn off, but then you'll be doing a recomp. You can do cardio, or no cardio, up to you. However, it is less likely you'll see gains if you do cardio because of the extra caloric needs. Good thing is…
  • Abs are something that you can hit as an accessory to other exercises. You don't necessarily need to directly hit abs, although an ab routine of some kind doesn't hurt. I wouldn't worry about it too much. It may be something that the trainer will have you incorporate after you've dropped some of the weight. Heck, you work…