Ladyiam Member


  • I have never done a plank before. I had to look it up on the internet to see what a plank was. I thought, hmmm, that looks pretty easy...LOL! Well, I am proud to say that I have completed my VERY FIRST PLANK!!!!! Yay me!!!! It only took 15 seconds....LOL I hope I will do better tomorrow : )
    in May 3 Comment by Ladyiam May 2012
  • I need a good kick start and becoming keto adapted makes sense to me. I work out at the gym 4x each week and I take one or two classes a week.
    in Ketones Comment by Ladyiam May 2012
  • Yes. I have been going to the gym 4x each week for 3 months and I believe that I am gaining muscle (which is great!). I recently read an article about ketosis while I was researching ketoacidosis and I felt that it made perfect sense. I am relatively small but I seem to have a lot of fat on me. So I am very interesting in…
    in Ketones Comment by Ladyiam May 2012
  • I've been consuming less than 50.
    in Ketones Comment by Ladyiam May 2012
  • I added you! We can do this!!! I need to lose 30 pounds. I have been at it for a while and I have lost 4 pounds. I am hoping that reaching out and building a support team and learning from others will help me to lose more weight.
    in Got Friend? Comment by Ladyiam May 2012
  • I have always what you were supposed to do about the calories that you say eat them back? ok. thanks.
  • Thanks for posting. I am very interested in burning. I have been trying to get keto adapted for the past two weeks and I have been wondering how long it would take. Anyway, thanks for the post.
  • Hi! I'm looking for some friends too! I would like to lose 30 pounds.
  • Talk about inspiration!