I was going to ask the question of net vs. gross calorie burn but you've already answered the question. So, from this day forward, I am using the Compendium of Physical Activities Tracking Guide" by B. E. Ainsworth to track my physical activities and I then will use the gross to net calorie calculator before I record my…
My last straw (this time, which is the second time around) is that I am preparing to go to training that includes daily running, and by the end of the 10 weeks I have to be able to run six miles (and by this November one mile in under ten). So, i went to the doc for a physical (haven't had one in three years) and told him…
I am maintaining now and am starting to find that tracking is making eating not so enjoyable. I'm not going to track for a week or so just to see what happens. I'll still weigh-in every few days to see how things are going.
I only add mowing grass to my exercise when I use my push mower. I'm with you on the riding mower.
If you like Indian food, try this. An Indian lady gave me the recipe. It's delish. 1 cup dry lentils 1 medium to large onion (chopped super finely, almost to crushed) 1 15 ounce can crushed tomatoes 1 tablespoon olive oil Curry powder (to taste) Prepare 1 cup dry lentils according to directions, draining off any remaining…
Hola! Welcome aboard. Your results will amaze you!
You know what they say about Chinese food...I think the best you can do is "guesstimate."
I do the same thing, but sometimes I find myself eating when I'm not really hungry but just because I have net calories left to eat.
The original "Fibre One Cereal." Looks like rabbit food, but tastes pretty good (naturally sweet). I mix one serving with Greek yogurt and some fruit for breakfast. The cereal alone give you 35% of daily needs and by mixing it with the yogurt I save 130 calories I would have used by using milk. The Greek yogurt is also…
Indian Cuisine
One Year = 32 pounds for me...
I'm gonna try that on my next birthday. :smile:
Try keeping the laces tight just past the ankle and then loose from that point on up.
I am a criminal investigator (commander over an investigative unit in a municipal police department). The best part of the job is seeing the guys put together an iron-clad criminal case and sending the perp(s) to prison...and the best part of that is seeing the look on the defense attorney's faces when they lose.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees the huge fluctuations in weight in short time frames. This week my scale tells me that I've dropped four pounds in two days. It's a digital readout scale, but sometimes I just don't trust it.
And you can do it!
Don't give up the Joe! I've started drinking a little more as it seems to feed that empty spot with only a few calories.
This morning, and I weigh myself every morning at approximately the same time, I weighed in at over three pounds less than yesterday morning. I weighed four times and it the readout was the same. So I waited about 15 minutes and got back on, dressed this time, and it was 1.6 pounds less than yesterday morning. I know I…
Yup! Exactly
Oh that urge to weigh every day. I weigh every morning at approximately the same time. It's out of bed and onto the scale.
I was not drinking much water until I started MFP. I am now drinking a minimum of 8 cups a day and sometimes as much as 12. I've been told by a personal trainer that if you drink 8 cups a day it causes you to burn 200 extra calories. 200 extra calories a day for drinking's well worth it.
Spaghetti Squash is awesome. Had a cup of the stuff at lunch today with some roast. I seasoned it with a little salt, black pepper, onion powder and cayenne pepper (to give it a Kick!) There are so many ways to enjoy the stuff, to include putting spaghetti sauce on it.
Measure it dry using a scale prior to cooking, or after it's cooked, measure out a cup and put it on a scale.
Don't look at it as a diet. Diet is a four letter word. Look at it as a lifestyle change.
Three days a week, M-W-F, schedule permitting. Shoulders and Legs on Monday, Chest and Back on Wednesday, and Biceps and Triceps on Friday. I do weight training first and then hit the elliptical for 30 to 40 minutes to finish up. I do about 240 crunches...variation of eight minute home in the morning, every…
I don't use "The Cabbage Soup Diet," but I do eat (my own recipe) cabbage soup two to three times per's quite filling but low cal.
I'm new....Hello
Very interesting I'll go to work and spread the knowledge (and they'll call me a geek again).