Im not doing that. I was saying if I did Thats what I would do. Im going to be doing intermittent.
Thats why id skip the meat Lol
Well my day of nothing to do just vanished. Got called into work. Have a wonderful day everyone and best of luck on your wieght loss adventures!~ :)
Think uncooked, unprocessed, mostly organic foods. Your staples: raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and sprouted grains. Some eat unpasteurized dairy foods, raw eggs, meat, and fish. Your food can be cold or even a little bit warm, as long as it doesn’t go above 118 degrees. I would probably skip out on the meats though…
For the record im not over here getting butthurt every time someone has something to say about water fasting, juice, intermittent ect. Just looking for opinions and stories, I have a long day of nothing to do and was looking for some entertainment.
Oh my god! LOL. The sloth.
Thank you. Im leaning toward raw or intermittent at the moment. I feel terrible sluggish and would love a sort of cleanse. Im much to active to do juice or water at the moment. I work go to school and take care of my tornado of a one year old boy lol
Ok seriously, Your being rude and acting like im an idiot. I am very far from stupid and if you want to know more about it take the time and look it up. Im curious about other peoples experiences . Thats why I made this post. Not to belittle others for diffrent beliefs before doing your own research.
lol oh hush Im not doing one. I have in the past and have done tons of reading on it. I just am curious as to what this community thinks. As of now Im just doing it the good ol fashion way But in my readings the benifits of a longer term water fast are absolutely mind blowing.
ugh i wishhhhhh someone please tell me the secret to secretly enjoying running! ;P really
everyone add meee im tired from adding people!!! :DS
10 your gorgeous! i live close to you too. i love stl! :)
ADD ME I LOVE THE MOTIVATION and im always a charm with a positive attitude! :D
I know it is easier said then done but i just ditched my DR Pepper addiction 8 days ago what i did was just stop.. the first two days i had a diet and i hated the taste but it kind of weined me and now its been 6 days and the headaches are gone along witht the cravings. just do it :) go buy some flavored water drops for…
7th day weigh in first weigh in 5 POUNDS LOST YESSS :D
thats great i want to switch to mostly fruit and veg snacks too...slowly! :) I love fruit and salads though so it should not be hard congratulations on your loss though
handsome! :)
LIFESTYLE CHANGE! Every diet ive ever failed but once i set in my mind moderation and give and take I have had a whole new mindset! Love it, today is day 7 but that is a start compared to me failing every "diet" before a week is up
just finally jumped off the magic pill banwagan and have been eating healthier. ILOVE IT. I dont feel restricted but im making a diffrence! :)
To anyone who is curious I have been doing great.. Im at 2000 or less a day and today is my second day with no soda just water including a lemon water in the AM! DAY1 one 32 ounce Diet DRP DAY2 one 32 ounce Diet DRP DAY3 SAME AS ABOVE DAY4 WATER ONLY DAY5 WATER ONLY BIG STEP FOR ME! Thanks again for all the support
lordy that was full of spelling errors, I type super fast and go back and correct. Please excuse that last comment I never corrected it!
about the "what happened to a new day" Oh its ok guys LOL no need to defend me. There are so rude people. its life. :D I have a youtube channel and 500,000 veiws so ive seen alot worse comments! lol But i do appriciate everyone of you your responses, support and tips! THANK YOU! I have done well!! And today the best, seems…
I did good last night. Had a salad :D wohhooo
you HIT the nail on the head with me thank you for that :) Slowing down is something I have to work on
WOW Thats what I averaage so we are in the same boat. But you can do it and i was worried that is the dirrection i was heading since ive gained 80# since my husband met me. Good luck!
86,000 WHAT??!! That is crazy but its scary its so easy to do!