I eat 1200 cals everyday and sometimes less and I don't seem to have a problem. But this is based on my body and I what I need. Know what your body needs and ask a doctor if you want :)
Wow how could I forget about avocado lol thanks! :)
Thanks for the advice everyone! Putting it into account I know! Ahhh so much stress but I've been thinking about it for a long time, and really wanna do it. Thanks for the advice and good luck girl!
Thanks so much, I'll look into it :smile:
Workin my way up to get there! And 315!? Dang maybe one day I'll be able to squat that heavy right now the highest I can squat is 120! You're the badass :smiley: ! Thanks for the info as well, will put to use! :smiley:
okay so just get off the Smith Machine, got it. Thank you! :)
I do squats without the machine but I sometimes do some squats on the machine but should I not? And what do y'all mean by callous?
*side note* don't be too below your calorie amount either, going that way will starve your body and lead you to eat over without really thinking you are. I like to check my nutrition on here to make sure I'm getting in the right amount of macros and calories for the day :smile:
If your not hungry but still need to fill in those calories my reccomendation, is to wait a little while, maybe and hour or two, and eat something that is healthy or like i do, eat something indulgent and healthy in the same, like greek vanilla yogurt with some strawberries or mango, that will leave you with just the right…
Lol thank you! You too! :)
Yes, but that post was probably about 6 months ago, I've changed my diet up a little bit because I was a little underweight, I currently weigh 108 which is a healthy weight for my age/weight. I do still eat extremely healthy but I'm currently doing the IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros) lifestyle and I'm trying to be in the…
Thank yall! :)
Lol, thanks! :)
I really am! Can be great but also hard at times lol :)
Oh okay, I checked it out and I am at a healthy weight, thank you so much! :)
I'm 18 does that change the way the BMI is or does that stay the same?